Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Dave Ming Chang

Dave Ming Chang

Ok, I'll chill on my program stuff a few. I'll update ya when I've made "significant" strides.. (The program being "Sex-A-Later" read previous posts)

So, here's my day so far. Sebastian (My 6 month baby) made me wake up at 10:30. Seriously, he is the BOSS of when I wake. Sometimes, I can get him to sleep again, sometimes no. Today was a "NO".

When he's awake, he's like into "everything". He can crawl (fast, and 2 months before they say he should).. he can stand,, he understands certain words (example: say "where's DADDY, or where's MOMMA".. he will look at the one he is supposed too. Far before he is supposed to do this, so I am happy with his progress.

Anyway, I needed some stuff from the store. I thought to myself... it's like 3 or 4 miles to the store.. I am kinda tired, may be easier to just put him in the stroller.. and go to the store. Nice day (perfect weather) so we went.

Sebastian is the perfect child when in a "stroller" on a mission.. lol. He never cries, never wants anything. If he is "moving", in a stroller.. he is ALWAYS perfect. Sometimes complete "alert" at times, even if I pushing him on a gravel walkway (his head bouncing all over) he is fast asleep.. lol. Point is.. no matter what, he likes being "on the move". I even tell him before we go anywhere (car or stroller) I say "Sebastian... do you wanna go on a 'bye bye' trip". He always smiles... lol. I think he understands what's up.

I had some stuff to get.. and noticed "RUM" there. Ok.. I decied to buy a pint. Got home and started drinking.

No a pint really don't do much for me.. it's a "chiller".. I'm all fine.. if your a woman, don't get your "panties in a bunchie".. me and Sebastian do just fine all day.

So where did "Dave Ming Chang" come into this (Title of my blog)..

Dave Ming Chang, is actually "Eddie Murphy" in this movie called "Meet Dave". To be honest, I started the movie like 5 times, and turned it off within 10 mins. I love Eddie Murphy, but before I thought it would be a "stupid" movie. So I didn't finish. Well, I watched it (complete) today. I am not sure if it was the "Rum", or whatever.. but I found this movie really FUNNY. It just had ALOT to it.. that wouldn't be noticed really. I do recommend it.

As I said before,, you can watch movies on your computer. Full screen even, and movies that are still in theaters (a huge selection). I tried alot of these sites. I prefer:

This site doesn't actually host the movies. It puts up links that other sites have. Then they play (in their video player) on your computer. I like this site, because more "organized". The legality... simple to me (they claim otherwise).. it's "illegal".. but who they gonna go for.. the "site, or you"? Not worried myself... and I am watching every current movie out there.

Other news.. looks like I will be setting up at an "Apple Orchard" Friday (might do) Saturday-Sunday (for sure). Not sure how it will be. They are having a "craft show" that is highly advertised. They have vendors, the orchard, and a winery (with tasting and chit). Roxann thinks will be good.. I am not sure. I think we will make some money, but nothing super great. It's kinda close to us.... so giving it a try. I'll update ya.

Other then that (Damn, I'm fuckinn long winded, ain't I?.. lol) I am just studying Visual Basic 6.0 Professional. I may be a "professional" fluck (all will say), but very few say I am not "intelligent".

Always methods to my madness...

Luv ya all!
Gary :)

posted on Sept 25, 2008 12:05 PM ()


Bro...only a pint? You must be getting old. I prefer the classic Eddie Murphy. He seems to have lost it. He's actually planning on a Beverly Hills Cop 4. Didn't he learn his lesson with Cop 3?
comment by draco on Sept 25, 2008 4:24 PM ()
coin your always long winded but we all love. why do u think we always come back. love and take care
comment by butterfly1969 on Sept 25, 2008 3:14 PM ()

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