Presidential Candidates
I realize many of you "bloggers" rely on me for the "bestest of best" advice. I am sorry I didn't address this issue sooner.
Now, I will give my opinion about both "Presidential, and Vice Presidential" candidates....
I have said before (and I am being totally honest with this post) "I would never vote for a "Black President". I was "WRONG", I AM going to vote for a "Black President" (this time)! It's not that my views changed "drastically", or I had some new "heartfelt conviction". My thoughts before were thought of as "racist", when I never felt that way. Now, before you "burn me" at the stake, at least hear me out.
I never felt the "Country" was ready for a "BLACK PRESIDENT". Not because I am racist, but I felt the country wasn't. I felt (for one) it would cause ALOT of racial tension (big problems). (For the next), I felt once a "Black President" took office, there would be too much "emphasis" on the "Black/White" issue, and not enough on the other things.
I haven't changed really. I still feel, the problems I am concerned with could be present with alot of Black Presidents. I personally wasn't ready to take that risk.
Now with that said, Obama has shown me different. Of course he wants "more equality", but doesn't over emphasize. He is an awesome "articulator". He is kinda "young" and in touch with the times. Plus, the country "at large" seems to accept him.
I am a "Democrat", and more the reason to vote this way. I would have voted "Hillary" (and will in the future).. but for now we gotta get those "Republican Flucks" out of office. Never in my 23 years of doing shows, have I experienced such a rotten ass economy. And YES I do blame "Bush economics".
So to close, he has my vote. Love or hate me, I say what I think. If I am "joking" about something, I make it obvious.
I really feel he is best.
I should be talking about "McCain" first, but to me she makes or breaks his chances. So here are some views...
I would love to have a LONG talk with her. Both "Legs" near her "ears", and we'll talk about WHATEVER COMES UP". Oh my "Golly", that almost sounded like a "sexual comment"...
Actually, it had nothing to do with "sex".. I just wanted some answers. All men know, a woman is most honest on her "back"..They "agree" to most anything then. You ask something, they say "yes, Yes, YEs, YES!!!!!!! I just want to "DO her", for "Answers, and solutions".. that's it. Was never about the "sex".
Oh chit, getting a "guilty" feeling here. I "lied above".. Yes, I find "Paulin" attractive. You younglings may find it gross. But hey, she's my age. Looking good to me!! Rich, controlling... basically everything a "Bondage freek" like me would want...
You "older guys" probably know... How cool would it be to have a "Hot ass" President chick, stuffing her "heels" in your back, as you lay naked on the floor?
Ok, despite the "benefits" (of us having daily fantasies, that will never come true).. I can't vote for her. She truely has like "ZERO" real experience with the world. If you really want to see this world "as fucked up as I am".. vote for her. Otherwise... Obama...
I honestly don't deny that McCain is a "True Patriot". If you knew me, you would NEVER say "I" would say that if I didn't feel it. I really believe he "wants" things better. Hell, the dude spent (I believe - 5 years) as a POW. So I will say, I believe his "Heart" is right.
With that said, I feel he is just "way too old" to be in touch with the average "American". Financially, culture, like everything. Hey, think of this. When (for those under 40) have you had a conversation with your "Grandpa". Your Father even.. lol. I would like to know... if you "had a conversation" like this, did you EVER agree?? LOL>... I know you never agreed. I have not "once" agreed with "Old peeps". Us 40 sumptins really know. Still "Kinda young", not young and stupid (well you guys, I still kinda am).. and not so old to be WAY out of touch.
I am "Certain" McCAIN picked "Paulin" to look "More in touch" with the youth. Plus she has those "Hard core" asenine Republican views. If you "Really think" He picked "Paulin" because he felt she was best.. your an ass.. lol. He thought it would look like he is in touch with the youth, and "probably wanted a BJ" too...
Honestly, I don't know an incredible lot about "Biden". I believe I know why he was picked a "running mate".
Joseph Biden has a very "good natured" personality. Joseph Biden is "white" (can you imagine if Obama picked a black running mate?).. Joseph is not a "stand out candidate" (like Obama), but neither is he someone people hate. He is from a "working class" family.. and I believe (in my heart) he has good morals. As of right now, I cannot say he has the "smarts" to be a good President (or VP). I can say, he has alot I like. And I only have "two" choices" right now. I like BIDEN (not in a sexual way.. geez, lol better then Palin). I truely need to look into his "records" more... He is so far, the "Man who sits in back".. and I think Obama wants it that way. Not alot of attention on him, just Obama...
Overall... forsure "Obama" needs to be in the "White House"...
Hopefully SOMEDAY... Paulin will show up in "Playboy"!!
Later all, Gary