Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Fluccking Rain!

Fluccking Rain!

I "Ran outta beer tonight"..

Now, being the "thoughtful" person I am, I asked "Nobody to take me for more". I could have drove (but I had a buzz, and I don't do that chit now). I also didn't want Roxi to have to take me. Earlier this day, I walked to get the beer.. but didn't get enough. I wanted a little more after it was gone.

No big deal I thought. It's like only 3 or 4 miles (round trip). I decided to take the (long) scenic route. The A & W is that way. They have the "world famous" Red sauce here (downtown Flushing Michigan) that you really can't get anywhere else. The exception would be the few places they sell the sauce. I figured, get some "Hotdogs" and some beer. Seemed like a plan to me.

I "borrowed" Steven's (Roxi's oldest son) bicycle. I felt (although I was buzzed), the trip would be quicker. No lights, no bike license (believe or not, you can get tickets for that here). I knew I was "OK" to go really.. but a "tad" wobbly. In other words, I risked getting pulled over. (Hey don't laugh... I have been pulled over on a bicycle more then anyone I bet.. and usually I am sober, and doing nothing wrong).

I seen many "cops" on my trip. Yes, they looked at me, but I never got pulled over. Thank God I thought..

My "Luck" wasn't what I thought. See, just before I left the "store", it started to "Rain". Mild at first, but soon turned to a "MASSIVE DOWNPOUR"! Well the paper bags holding my beers, and food turned to "Mush" real quick like. I had to stop many times, to "Try to" keep my cell phone dry, as well as my "electronic rolodex" thing. I am "flippin serious" .. I pretty much went through a "Monsoon". No wonder the cop didn't pull me over. Hell, nobody would want to go through that rain...

I finally make it home. I was "drenched"... my beers, and the food was all stuffed in different places on my body. Rain killed the bags.. even the "plastic" believe it or not. It was "TERRIBLE"!!

I walk past Roxann's son "Steven". he says to me "Hello Gary, OH be careful.. your dripping water all over me". (I think to myself.. Dude, it would be nice if I got a "tad" of symphaty... Yet I said nothing....)

I walk past Roxann....
SHE SAYS... Oh Hunny, your all wet. Then turns to the computer and ignores me... (I think to myself.. Bioutch, it would be nice if I got a "tad" of symphaty... Yet I said nothing....)

I was tired, and before I had a beer or anything (and I was mostly sober).. I took a nap.

I woke when Roxann's other son came in. He said... "I am soking wet mom"! Why didn't you "pick me up" when I asked. She basically said.. "Not my problem"... you decide where you go..

I said to Jeremy.. you won't get symphathy here... hell, I'm far wetter then you.. and I been home hours..

Ok, yes I don't believe she should "pick up" her kids at every moment. They will "abuse" the privilege. I know them, they will ask every second. Now me, I wouldn't "abuse it". I am far more likely to just "GO" and burden nobody. Normally, I say where I am going.. but I "reserve" the right to go whenever I feel. I just think.. when coming home.. she should have "felt/acted" a tad nicer. lol.. no she wasn't mean.. it's just like the attitude "Gary, your gonna do what you want.. not my problem"..

I know Roxann loves me "Greatly". I do her also. She has known me a very long time.. she knows "I am me" and it will be (stay). I just think.. I did nothing wrong. So, I got another beer... no biggie. And NO she wasn't mad, we weren't even fighting. I didn't call for a ride, no burden. I think she should have had more "Symphaty"...

KIDDING... I know what she was thinking...Although I wasn't drunk, she didn't want me getting more beer. So she wasn't playing into it... No fighting, it's that "Puss.. (opps Estrogen) thing in women. Makes them nutty and chit (Ain't that right Draco?). She knows I won't change.. but STILL she "In a subtile way" tries..


Laterz.. gary :)

posted on Sept 29, 2008 8:28 PM ()


I don't know why you expect sympathy, you're the one who wanted the beer
comment by redwolftimes on Sept 30, 2008 10:03 AM ()
Hey, I even gave you a kiss when you came in. I was laughing at you because you looked like a drowned rat... but I warned you before you went that it was going to rain you said that you had been in worse and rain didn't bother you ... so why would you need my sympathy.
comment by rocki8281971 on Sept 30, 2008 5:54 AM ()
Hmmmmmmmmmmm so if it is estrogen that makes us crazy...what is it that makes you men crazy...?????????????lol
Me thinks it is that thing between your legs...
Well anyhow...I laughed cos you were wet...sorry but if you are the reader it is funny...I am sure was not so much for you..LOL LOL
comment by sybilmariee on Sept 30, 2008 3:00 AM ()
Yo Gary don't drag me into this. I keep my fridge well stocked so I don't run into the sudden downpour(remember I live in the Pacific Northwest where it rains most of the year.) When I get my drink on, I'm down for the night. My lady doesn't need to give me chit. All kidding are now ready for a beer run on the Oregon Coast. Add 40 to 65 MPH winds and you'll be a god.
comment by draco on Sept 29, 2008 9:04 PM ()
Better subtle than screaming and ranting, don't you think?
comment by redimpala on Sept 29, 2008 8:36 PM ()

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