KEEP PUSHING.. Keep Pushing.. Keep Pushing on...
That's pretty much all I heard from Roxann last night.
See, we was listening to "REO SPEEDWAGON". For you kiddies (20 sumptins). they were a major rock band in the 80's. Don't knock it, if not for this song.. you maybe wouldn't be born. That little "sperm drop" made you... on an eventful night.. in the 80's. Be happy.. your alive!
A top song of REO was "Keep Pushing". No I can't say "truthfully, that song made you born". I can say... In the 80's We was all "fuccking" while listening to REO SPEEDWAGON. Hey, just letting you know your "roots". Hell, I don't know... your roots may be from "Ozzy".. "Shot in the dark"... 38 Special... "Hold on losely, but don't let go"..
See, you kids don't really KNOW...
You think your parents are all "dumb" and chit... truth is.. well YES.. we are.. thats how we can tell "easier then you know" when your fucking up! We done "Fucked UP" alot even... all we want, is better for you. We don't want you to make our mistakes....
I can say.. I am a "Poster Child" of mistakes. I feel I have always been "logical", but I have made mistakes. 2 DUI, 5 times hospitalized for motorcycle accidents (Ruptured spleen, dozens of broken bones.. had to relearn to walk.. plus alot more). Totaled 7 cars even (and for most all I say, I have pics or some other proof). Going off the "board here"... you really don't know anyone who been through more then me... TRUE!
I feel I am "pretty" calm now. I don't do alot that I used to, but I still have a wild nature. I WON'T drink and drive... I wouldn't think twice about giving some asshole dude chit in a bar.. if he did first. Now, that's a "simplistic" way of putting what I am about now. YES, I will stand up for me (or friends), but no I have no desire to "prove" my wild life. I only mention, because I really feel my life may help "someone"..
I DO NOT "in any way shape or form" try to live another's life. We all have a life to live, and I can give an opinion on anything. I will NEVER tell anyone "What to do"! I will "Always" say what I think! Ask me advice.. in private, email, IM whatever.. and I'll (for sure) say what I think. My "stepdad" once gave me great advice.. He said.. You can't live another mans life.... To me, that was AWESOME.. I don't. To me, it means.. if someone wants my advice.. I will give, but I will never try to control.
Talk to me if you need... I may be more cool then you think...
I was born in 1966... I graduated in 1985. I consider myself an "80's" dude. If your age is "around 20".. I know what your mom and dad was into then. I never left my youth behind. I'm just saying... if you are "young".. I am here to talk.. and "will be cool"! I been through more then anyone.
RED?! I haven't even said a .dot of my life really (in blogs). Yes, I have said alot.. but also not much. There is a "reason" to me.. I do not want to make certain things seem "cool", but also I have things I think are good. I have to "say" or "reveal" as I feel.
KEEP PUSHING.. Keep Pushing.. Keep Pushing on...
No, Roxi wasn't saying that last night. Actually, I got tired and went to sleep. Was "times" she did however.. lol.
Kiddies (20 sumptins)... yes "Rock" is cool... yes (you are correct, us old flucks are umm... flucks.. lol). However,, we smarter then you think!
If you ever have an issue ya wanna talk about.. I'm here.. I just give advice and listen..
KEEP PUSHING.. Keep Pushing.. Keep Pushing on...
Humm... this could be "sexual" for adults... just life for the "younger"... Actually.. it "applies to everyone" in some way or form...
I'm out... LUV