I know, I know... this WILL be a boring post to most.
However, I am "EXCITED"!! So ya gotta "deal" with it right now (or just like, click it off and read another blog.. lol)..
I wrote a "new" program today. Yes, I also know, I have other "un-finished" projects in the "works" (I can finish, hope I will, and feel I will).. Anyway again, I just tend to get better and better as I learn, therefore I jump around ALOT.
Today I wrote.. probably the fastest and easiest.. "screen resolution changing" program around. This is not really a simple thing. I saw some example code (used it), as well as my "code experience" and combined it. I wanted to make a program "I personally" always wanted.
What makes it "special", is this: If you like to run programs from different "times" (80's 90's.. whatever), you will notice ALOT of "games" or whatever WILL require you to change your "screen resolution" first. That's because, it was "super difficult" back then to include the option in a program then. Yes, the BIG corps had it, not the "average". I can "promise"..
My "New Program" (Change Res) is "functional", It DOES work, and already the best....
I will release FREE, the minute all I did works well. MOST does.. promise...
Honestly, I made an "awesome program".. Nobody has "ONE" not even me... till today....
Luv,,, Gary :)