I know SOME things.. but I never say "all" I know. (For this post), I'll let ya into somethings I DO KNOW FOR SURE...
1) THEY SAY... "It's All Pink inside"! I agree. I did a "German, South American, Brit, few dozen Americans" I TRY every flavor I can.., I can confirm.. It's "ALL PINK INSIDE! I fully believe, Iranians, Russians, and even Moroccans are "Pink inside".... Just, so you know... I "HAVEN'T TASTED EVERY FLAVOR"... But I see a "pattern here"... I REALLY believe it's all "Pink Inside"...
2)I KNOW "REPUBLICANS" are "convinced" they NEED more money. They want us "Little peeps" (Democrats) to bow and "suck em". Want us "Broke". This may work for "Paulin" (I'd bow to her in a second), but I don't want her "BUSH" (Not talking about her lower "Bush", I am talking about her President Bush)... I DEFINATE want her "lower Bush".. Anyway.. I get off on "Tangents" and chit... Despite how much I wanna "F" paulin, she is not "Presidential Quality"...
3)... Ya know wut... I could go "on and on with this". Problem is.. I am getting a "tad" buzzed here.... I could "pass out" at any second...
LAST THOUGHT... EVERY single person I know "votes" for what is right for them. Not so much the country (as a whole)... Personally, I will vote "DEMOCRAT" (The Black dude) because I feel he is best for the "country" as a whole. He probably won't help "health care for me" (because I know a bit of his plan).. McCain won't help us a bit (If you are well off, vote McCain,, you will do WELL)... McCain is by far more for the "wealthy".. but Obama is somewhat too... I gotta pick the "lesser of evils".. I had to make a "choice", but both can suck my left nut... I'm voting "OBAMA"!!
Good night ALL... LUV Ya's....
Gary :)
You might want to watch this youtube. It speaks for itself as others I have posted. Coming straight from the horse's mouth.