Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Mall in Lansing

Mall in Lansing

I didn't mention it before.. so I will now.

See, my "Job" isn't like yours. I have to decide every single "week" where I will work. I have to call show "promoters", make sure I can fill all the "requirements".. alot of chit... Luckily, I am at a point (after 23 years) they call me more then I call them.. lol.

Anyway, Yesterday "Danny" (A show promoter, who I knew since a kid).. called. He wanted me to do the show in "Lansing MI". Major mall, I talked about it before. I would (will) be in center court.. Basically I can pick ANY spot I want, in the entire mall that is open. Any idea how "COOL" that is?? Most vendors would "KILL" for an IN like that...

Damn.. so suddenly I have an issue. Back before the "cock sucking dickhead President BUSH" was in office", the economy was great. Back then, that same mall... you'd have to put in your application for an "October show" (and send the fee), around January or February. Even then, you weren't guarenteed a spot. Things are "different now". Getting in is not hard (was then)... getting top spot is.

I've done this "Forever" basically. I can get into almost any mall, festival.. anything when I want. Yet the "Economy" sucks.. so.....

Danny called.. wants me in center court... Meridian mall (Lansing).. I said (at first) "Dude, I would love to do the show". (Usually good in the FALL...).. I had to say, I don't have the "supplies to really do that one". I said... My plan was to do this little 1 day show in Flushing Michigan.. "Unless" (I said).. you can drastically reduce my show fee for this one time....

See.. Danny (and I love him to death) is a fluccking scammer.. lol. No, he does nothing "illegal".. but he does all he can for every freeking penny he can. Believe or not, I can play the same too... lol. Hell I used to live with his mom.. my brother is dating his ex (mother of his kid).. I probably got more pull then even I know.. lol.

Danny, "I said in another call".. IF you can give me s SUPER break on fee.. this time.. I'll be there.... He said, ok (he has a partner), I'll talk to Jim. I said .. Danny, normally the fee is no problem. But I don't have enough chains (true), and can't make a good showing...

If I didn't do this, I'd be in a show in downtown "Flushing Michigan".. would probably be good (and close). Still.. I want things "Cool with Danny". I'm just as "Hard assed" as he is.. lol.

Danny calls (maybe an hour ago)... "Ok, Gary... you can do the show for $40 show fee. It's a one time deal (10 years ago, I paid $200 fee (with other promoters), and not a center court spot.. lol).. OK Danny, I'll be there.. can I stay at your place? You know you can Gary!! HA.. probably even go to the "strip joint" (near where he lives" after work. "DRACO.. RED..?? I am a fluccking professional.. this is what I do.. lol........

OH.. BTW (By the way).. if you wanna see my website (400+ designs online, and X-mas is coming)..

LUV.. Gary :)

posted on Sept 30, 2008 9:15 PM ()


To continue my thought line here it seems wherever you end up you feel people owe you something, it seemed that way in FL and now back here in MI.. wake up ####### don't nobody owe you dick. I may not be rich but for what I have in this world I have worked hard for, I hold down a 40+hr a week job and I manage a household so my wife can go to work and go to nursing I just started working for Avon on the side. I've been watching my kids for close to 10 years now, I do the cooking,cleaning, and laundry. So you want to sit here and play your stupid little games with me because you're too busy sitting on your ass playing computer games instead of trying to go out and get a "real" job so you can help out by bringing some money in...then go ahead make my day!
comment by redwolftimes on Oct 1, 2008 6:44 AM ()
You know I think your a bigger "scammer" then Danny is, after all he reduced your rate & then your going to stay with him, probabaly poor
Danny will be picking up the tab for you all weekendTo top it off you'll be going to some "strip club" while your gf is at home taking care of hers & your child after working all week to support your ass.
comment by redwolftimes on Oct 1, 2008 6:27 AM ()

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