For a few days it was looking optimistic. Progress was being made and a plan was in place. Then the bottom dropped out. I woke this morning feeling sicker than I had over the weekend. Although steady doses of rest and tlc were administered the crisis in my chest has reared its ugly head.
So I will have followed the doctor's orders. I have given this virus (according to the doctor) over a week to clear and I will return on Thursday to get the antibiotics that would have had me well by now. I am such a good patient. Too bad I don't have such good patience.
Even though my daughter worried that I wouldn't be going to her game Saturday I did, and even though I stated in my last post that I wouldn't be yelling for her at the game, I did that too. My It was a great game, and daughter scored her first goal ever. She was so thrilled, as was her mama.
The past couple of days I have felt better. Maybe I didn't rest enough though. Today, on the other hand, other than sleeping I have been a permanent fixture on the couch.
I have learned that sleeping in a semi-sitting position on the couch helps stop some of the coughing. I can't lay down on a flat bed, even with a bunch of pillows, and get any sleep.
So while the blame game goes on in Washington and our country's financial health is sicker than I, in a few days the needed medicine for my situation will start it's work and in a week I will be well again. I just have one question that comes to mind. Why didn't our government pay attention to the obvious symptoms of ill fiscal health sooner?
I personally am a HORRIBLE patient. I'm a baby. When I'm not feeling well, I mope around the house in my jammies, sucking my thumb, moaning, and driving my poor wife crazy.