When the Gov't gets involved in our financial matters, we become a Socialist society and The President, Senate, and House all become appointed rather than elected. We become Cuba, China, all others under a Socialist dictatorship.
I'm glad it failed. When the government gets involved with the financial sector we start to become Socialists and our Representatives and Senators are appointed instead of elected.
Nothing more American than apple pie. Mmmmmmmmmmm...pie. My parents used to make the best pie using apples from their neighbor's tree. He called them Jonadells (A red delicious/Jonathan hybrid.) They made awesome apple pies and crisps. The neighbor died and his sister lives there. She asked my dad to cut down the tree because it's diseased. No more delicious pies. My Dad is now using the wood to barbeque with and for mulch. The tree will flavor steaks and burgers instead of pies.
Kudos to you for the 5K.If not for the bad knees I would do a marathon. As far as puppies go...most of them are easily trained. My border collie mix when she was a puppy peed and pooped on our floor, chewed the siding on our old house, and dug up and killed our japanese maple. It took us a few months to train her and she asks us to go outside when she needs to potty. She no longer chews or digs. She does have the occasional accident when she's not feeling well or we don't get home in time to let her out(she and her pug brother are spoiled indoor dogs.)
I agree with you. Let them work it out for themselves. When the government gets involved with our finances we end up with a Socialist society and lose the ability to vote out bad politicians. It becomes a ripple effect.
That fish is almost as big as him.Tell him that not to be disappointed if he catches some little ones once in a while. Most adults don't land ones that big.
Gay or Strait...he is not that talented. You put him and Josh Grobin in a room together sight unseen and you can't tell them apart (BTW...I think Josh Grobin isn't talented either.) In my opinion I think "Gay" Aiken only came out because he didn't want people to forget him like past Idol contestants.
Human milk is sweeter than cow's milk. That would cut costs on sugar.Bad part is stretching out those nice t!tties with milking machines.
Gary...I agree about health insurance. Watch the documentary SiCKO. There's a part where he tries to take some uninsured Americans to Guantanamo Bay to get the healthcare terrorist scum get(which is 1,000 times better than any veteran gets over here.) Instead these people get turned away and go to the doctors in Cuba. Those Docs help these people at no cost(even tho they aren't Cuban citizens.) Most of these people have serious ailments and can't afford the high paid greedy docs here in the states. I'm not knocking the USA...I'm just saying that we would be in better shape if American doctors weren't greedy bastiches. Hell you live close to Canada. Find a Canadian friend that will let you "borrow" his address and get some free healthcare. That's what a girl did on SiCKO. Sorry for my rant.
Pull the plug and drain that water.I only kid. I feel for you my friend.
I remember that song from during my days at Desert Storm. It was kind of inspiring.
Bro...only a pint? You must be getting old. I prefer the classic Eddie Murphy. He seems to have lost it. He's actually planning on a Beverly Hills Cop 4. Didn't he learn his lesson with Cop 3?
Good luck bro. Just don't add a "Dirty Sanchez" choice. That is just too freaky. "Hot Karl" would be even worse.