Eddie Harrison


Eddie Harrison
Henderson, NV
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Politics & Legal > $700b Bill Rejected: 228-205

$700b Bill Rejected: 228-205

The $700B bill Rejected: Rescue Fails 228-205.

Is anyone else glad about this?

posted on Sept 29, 2008 1:59 PM ()


Eddie just needs to get "laid".. isn't that "obvious"??
comment by coincutter on Nov 8, 2008 6:16 PM ()
Hmmmmm, dumb ass Canadian here and not sure what that is??
comment by deborah on Oct 7, 2008 11:21 PM ()
Yup! I think before the tax-payers flip the bill for Wall Street CEOs' greed and stupidity, these same suits should be forced to trade in their BMW's and Jaguars for a Yaris or two.
comment by hayduke on Oct 3, 2008 10:01 AM ()
Happy as a clam (I'm hoping the are)
comment by elfie33 on Oct 2, 2008 4:25 PM ()
I just came across this on blogster. Are you selling mybloggers like you did blogster?

comment by texastar on Oct 1, 2008 9:03 PM ()
I think it's "awesome" myself
comment by coincutter on Sept 30, 2008 1:09 PM ()
I wish that I were smarter and could understand, but there are so many opposing views from well educated and informed people. To find what is plausible among these views is difficult. I don't want to pay for others' mistakes and greed, but I want a stong economy and a nation once more respected.
comment by angiedw on Sept 30, 2008 2:42 AM ()
the American people have spoken....Congresspersons were inundated with calls, e.mails etc. that were nearly all against this plan. I think that they come up with something that doesn't reward the jacka--es who got us into this mess.

yer back to the drawing board pal
comment by honeybugg on Sept 29, 2008 5:31 PM ()
I am clueless. I think they should split the 700 billion between all of us so we can make the best use of it as we can...
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 29, 2008 4:49 PM ()
I'm not sure anyone is smart enough to figure this out if it would even work. Didn't they try this in Japan and it didn't? In essence, I'm totally against it. However, if the credit market starts hitting the "real" economy, it's going to hurt small business (it already has at some levels- increased rates-reduced credit lines) in terms of growth and create a wide spread slow down. The blame game doesn't work because the train has already left the station. It was a complete failure on the part of "all" of Congress for no oversight. Representatives are feeling the heat in this election year and they hearing from their voters. Also, there's already millions who have lost their homes and there's no relief for them who were sharked. Some economists in all earnest don't believe in this bail out, and if they could be proven right, I'm all for telling these characters to take a hike.
comment by strider333 on Sept 29, 2008 4:13 PM ()
Because this bill failed and because the stock market plunged, Ed and I have lost half our income and may have to reverse mortgage our house. In about 6 to 7 months, you will see many, many small business failures as the lack of credit will impact on the inability to acquire inventory and make payroll and that will lead to more unemployment. At 77, I will have to find a job. You will see more foreclosures and devasted retirement income. You don't want to save Wall Street's boat but what you have not realized is that we ARE ALL IN THIS BOAT. Revenge is not sweet when we are all drowning.
comment by tealstar on Sept 29, 2008 2:57 PM ()
I also am glad it failed, and I hope it contiues failing to win anywhere near its present form. A Liberal Clinton policy, with all good and great intentions, ruined by the greed of fellow man. Write up and make a loan knowing all good and well that the borrower will never be able to pay it through, then sell off the loan to a quasi-governmentagency run by a bunch of democrat partyhacks who have been cooking the books and lying to congress for ten years, and then act surprised when the bottom finally does fall out from under!!!!
comment by oldfatguy on Sept 29, 2008 2:34 PM ()
By-the-way, There was a no vote, Jerry Weller, who I know...and, well... Let's put it his way, when I first met him back in 1991 he was one of those newbies who really wanted to make positive change, then somewhere along the line he allowed himself to get sucked in. He was a huge advocate and promoter of the corn-based bio-fuels and that really disappointed me. SO much so that when we were both at a political outing about two years ago and he walked my way, I turned and acted as if I didn't see him. VERY disappointing.
comment by whereabouts on Sept 29, 2008 2:27 PM ()
I'm glad it failed. When the government gets involved with the financial sector we start to become Socialists and our Representatives and Senators are appointed instead of elected.
comment by draco on Sept 29, 2008 2:25 PM ()
Oh, my, Gawd - I'm THRILLED! I have been so anxious during all this time and it was a complete nail biting experience during the session, especially watching the votes tally. I am feeling just as I feel after a major storm has ripped through and I've been out trying to get the generator running to make certain the basement doesn't flood because the power went out! Meaning, it's time for a drink!

Also, knowing that it's not over yet so my brain is reeling with ways to ensure that another bailout package doesn't make it through.

I followed each representative in the house who spoke prior to the vote on HR 3997 (and took notes that I will publish here), and from what I can see, there are SO MANY representatives out there, both democrats and republicans, who are clearly clueless about the true economics behind the crisis. They simply don't get it and, to me, that is a very, very scary thing. They'll vote simply because someone persuaded them to do so but literally having limited to no economic understanding. So, so scary.
comment by whereabouts on Sept 29, 2008 2:22 PM ()
Eddie,I am.Why should we bailed out these crooks?
They should get them and put them in jail or something.
Rotten to the core.I am glad and Nancy saved the day.
I am losing money,but they need to get them out of the office.
Lose their jobs and homes like many of our citizens lost theirs.
They suck.Sorry(Eddie)my feeling.Get rid of them.
comment by fredo on Sept 29, 2008 2:05 PM ()
I wish I could say it did make me happy. The idea of bailing out people who abused the system on the backs of people who did nothing wrong is horrible. At the same time, we are already seeing the wonderful results as the stock market plummets. For me, it was nasty medicine that had to be taken so the patient could get better rather than die. Our economy is going to take a major hit unless some alternative is found ... and fast.
comment by lunarhunk on Sept 29, 2008 2:03 PM ()

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