PD and I pay about 675.00 a year for our 2007 Honda CRV.
Betty Page...nice.
That sounds like these dice PD got for a bachelorette party gag gift. One die would say kiss, suck...etc. The other would say neck, breast...etc. Cool idea, bro.
I heard there's going to be a truckers' strike. Will JR be home more to break that silence?
I've been a Crue fan since I was a snot nosed puppy. Rock on. I have that song on my playlist. You might have heard it.
Big Brother is watching.
Sorry you got "whiplash" seats. I prefer dead center or maybe nosebleed. I'm glad you thought the movie was good. I usually wait until it comes out on DVD and rent thru Netflix.
Job hunting is hard. I know from experience. Best of luck. And also best of luck with the nephew. I hate bullies. Was bullied as a kid. It took me getting a growth spurt and beating the living $h!t out of one of my tormentors to get it to stop. Now it's hard on kids. Bullies do more than just give wedgies or swirlies. My nephew had to switch schools (got into a performing arts charter school with his sister) to escape the gangs at his school. I wish that schools would expell anyone that bullies another kid. C'mon schools now have cameras in the halls. Sorry about the rant.
What I heard about is the Islamic preaches peace not war. Again that's what I heard.
I'll let my wife know about this.
China is trying to kill us and take us over.
Flea markets rule. I go to this one north of where I live. It's in the town of Cloverdale, Oregon. Kind of small. This year they only had three vendors. Sucks b@lls. We need cut coins over here on the coast.
That's winter for us in the northwest. Rain, rain, and more rain. I wouldn't have it any other way. I could do without the winds here. Don't worry, it will pass soon.
Bugster bad...mybloggers good. I found mybloggers by visiting bugster because the My Space page grew boring for me. I only go there to play games with my cousins.
Hey relax. Nothing to worry about. Gall Bladder removal is easy. It's not like the stone age where they split you wide open. You have 4 little incissions in the abdomen. It's an outpatient procedure. This is from personal experience. Plus you get to stay home for a few weeks to recover. There's a vacation. I was only in pain for a few days. Used the time to help PD plan a wedding.