Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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Life & Events > Sex - a - Later (My New Program

Sex - a - Later (My New Program

I mentioned before.. I am learning a new programming language. Well usually, the best way for me to learn is "start the project",, and figure things out as I go.

I started "Today actually" a program called "Sex - A - Later".

I am very "pleased" with my progress. I got some tutorials on Visual Basic.. but since I already know so many other languages.. I am getting this quick. I think the only time I had to "really" consult tutorials was how to generate a random number. Harder then it looks.. but I got it down now..

Ok.. the program is mostly functional now. Actually, all the major program code is there, and works. The rest is content. I will release it "free" when done.. For anyone that want's it. I worked all day on it.. I'd say in 1 or 2 days, I'll put out version #1. See.. I am pushing myself to be quick.. because I need that. I plan to write many programs. All WILL be quality.


No't it's not a "dirty" program. It's basically a simple "generator" program for you and your "significant other". Have you ever noticed how "The woman wants to do things sexual with her man", but is afraid to ask. The man wants to do some (usually more wild things) with her woman, but afraid to ask. Sometimes.. maybe it's better to let the "computer to pick".. with some user control. Then whatever does pic, both are "Bound by un-ritten law" to do those things.

There are different choices. Like "Romantic, Bondage, Freeky stuff, or choose from all". You also pick (at the beginning) who decides the category . This is "random". For the "best relationship, let the computer complete decide. But hey, if your worried about chit.. just pick a catagory together. Personally... I like the computer to "totally pick", that way.. if we both into it, and following rules.. what it says.. we do!!.. lol

Hey nothing wrong about being completely spontaneous.. That is super cool. But sometimes.. it's cool also.. to have a computer pick what a "couple" does.. if they feel "obligated".. they do.. try new things.. and usually have fun. Just want you women to know.. ya still have some control. ..

Ok.. I gotta say this.. I was talking to this chick on the internet for awhile. She wanted to meet me, I wanted to meet her. She finally came over. Well.. I never seen a pic. I knew we was both single. I made a list.. I said.., I am gonna ask some "online" strangers.. to view this list. (ones who don't know). I'll tell them a woman is coming over.. and we must agree.. I will ask the strangers to pick a number.. from 1-10.. and no matter what.. we do the Number. (Sexual).. and I never met her before. Plus.. yes we did.. which makes the internet fun.. Why I wrote this program.. more to learn some things with this "puter language"

Back to the program.. It's simplified in a way, but advanced too (cause I good at that). Once finished.. play with it with you and your dude/chick..

I will find a way to "release" it soon. Not done, but problem is (anything with the word "sex" they don't want it).

It's not that really. I could "easily" make it all sex. No, that wasn't my thought. I wanted something.. that a couple "in a relationship" can find that "middle ground" He does the things she wants.. she does what he wants. Nothing more then a simple "computer pic".. then they both do. I DON'T know about you..

No naked pictures (I purposely avoided).. really nothing is bad. Maybe some of my "text is" (that may pop on screen... like,, "Fuck that Bitch".. But I have nothing naked displayed.

Simple but cool program. I will release it soon "free" when I feel done"

Ok, later for now

posted on Sept 22, 2008 6:36 PM ()


That sounds like these dice PD got for a bachelorette party gag gift. One die would say kiss, suck...etc. The other would say neck, breast...etc. Cool idea, bro.
comment by draco on Sept 23, 2008 8:32 PM ()
Talk abour adding spice to your life---variety never hurts---and can be very good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
comment by angiedw on Sept 23, 2008 2:44 AM ()

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