Saints of Los Angeles, is a new song (maybe the CD name too.. not sure) from "Motley Crue".
So.. here is my review..
I have now heard almost every song on "You Tube". Full volume... and I can say "it Rocks"!! They finally sound "again" as they once did". Why we liked them so much back in the day. Hell they still look like "Rockers". Van Halen is back together (with David Lee Roth even).. still sound great, but look like a bunch of old farts on video's.. lol. Motley still has it!!
Last year, I did a show in Midland Michigan". We went to the casino in Mt Plesant Michigan (after work.. cause we always do something).. and bands were playing. Much more to the story (it's on Blogser if any want to read.. pics too), I won't say all here. The main points.. We ended up hanging with the bands "Vince Neil (of Motley Crue) was touring with. Also he had a different band backing him up. I met and partied with them (mainly the guitarist and drummer) "Awesome dudes".. as well as the lead singer of "Slaughter, his bassist.. and most in the "Band Quiet Riot".. sad.. but a month after I was sipping beers with the lead singer (for 2 decades).. he died. Wow.. he autographed my shirt.. which got destroyed when I went to jail last January.. but I think now.. should have kept care of that.. might have been worth something...
Now, at that time.. Vince wasn't really doing much with "Tommy Lee", Mick Mars", Nikki Sixx"... he just had his own band.. and was doing shows himself. Despite how "COOL" I really felt his "touring band" was (and they were, especially the lead guitarist).. I was so glad to see the "real" Motley Crue "BACK IN FORM"! They soumd great. For that matter, Vince and the touring band sounded great when we was hanging out. As much as I loved the "temp" band... was so great to hear the "Original" Motley is back.. with a CD, and tour. All songs ROCK.. I can say that.. lol.
My only problem is this. They have been this way a long time.. but more "prevalent now". Talking about wanting to do "chicks",, riding bikes.. rocking and partying" doesn't bother me. That's real, true. Actually, they sobered up alot lately. Anyway, I think all that is kinda "natural". We all want to have fun. Even most rockers(not all, but I bet not moreso then the average person) know it's bad to cheat on a spouse. many of those rockers you see.. got women throwing themselves at them.. and go back to their wife in the end. Not all.. lol.. but I don't think it's worse there then for the rest of us. So to condense... No problem when they talk about hot chicks.. have them in videos.. all that.. it's all part of the act. Now the "single dudes".. ROCK STARS>>> you'd wanna be them.. lol....
Ok, so what I really don't like is when a band talks against God. Motley Crue does, and way moreso in the new CD then others (although they always have). I don't like that, but my thoughts have always been this. If I sit in a church, I will not agree with everything the pastor says. If I sit before a "Judge", I will not agree with all he says. If I take a "class" to learn somtehting", I will not agree with all that is said. What I will to is listen, and be respectful. I just ignore what I feel is wrong. And if I have a forum to say "why" what I feel I will. So in essence.. I can listen to this "Revived" Motley Crue.. and say it ROCKS!!! But yet, I strongly disagree. Them saying the "Devil is my friend" and all that... I just ignore. It's their thoughts.. not mine..
So theirs my review. Would love to see them in concert again (Actually, seen them before was famous.. that another story)...
Gary :)