Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Home from Show

Home from Show

Back home now. I did the "Flea Market' in Bay City. It was worth the trip, but nothing spectacular. Was about what I expected. I decided I'd go back tomorrow, so most of my stuff is still there.

I probably made more then anyone there. I seen very few even make a sale. Many left real early. There was people there.. but nobody seemed to have money. I had about 4 vendors even say they wanted something made (cut from me) but couldn't afford $10. Usually in cases like that, I wait to see if they are "just talking", or serious. If I percieve they are serious, I will offer a trade. My stuff is just work (10 minutes each - no out of pocket money really).. so it good for both of us. I get so much stuff that way.. cool things too.

Early in the morning, the cops were called on the vendor across from me. He was selling "Handguns". He was super pissed off, but all they did was make him put them in his van. He just went home.. but really the cops were being cool.

This affected me because.. another booth had some "scratched" up BB Guns". I seen the BB Guns when I first got there (before I made a single sale). I wanted to buy them "If cheap, they listed no price". I knew I could talk them down, or trade at any rate. See, I had two "broken" of the exact BB guns at home. If I got those (which worked).. I could make my broken guns look like new. Seems to me, when the dude had problems over the "real" pistols, the other dude with the BB guns freeked and removed them. The "real pistols" are illegal, The BB Guns weren't. I went back to look, and couldn't remember exactly what booth had them. So I was SOL.

Now here is another thing I found funny. The cops were there, looking at every booth basically. There was a booth in the market that had DVD movies (hundreds) for $1.00 each. Yes he made a nice label for them, they looked cool. But they were "Obvious" home made copies. Highly illegal.

I know why the cops didn't mess with him/them. Copyright infringement rests more on the FBI. All they can do, is call in the FBI. By the time the FBI got there, he'd probably be gone. You don't have to give alot of personal information to do a flea market (if any). So even if the FBI was called, they probably wouldn't show.. for some (small time) Flea market dude. Even if they prosecuted, he'd get probation or something. They weren't high quality, and there wasn't alot of money involved (come'on $1 DVD's.. he ain't making chit). The dude could get away with that "forver".. have beer money for the week. I still don't know if he's "smart or stupid".. but I do see what's going on.. lol.

One think I thought was cool was this. I was sitting there cutting some orders. This kid comes up (around 16 or 17 years old). He says.. "Wow your Gary.. Derek and Michelle's dad. I used to live right across the street from you. Do you remember me? I didn't at first.. but then I did. Damn, he was like 8 or 9 last time I seen him. He said, "your the one that had all the video game systems" (true, at that time I had like 30 systems hooked to TV sets all over my house.. plus a pool table, and airhockey.. kid magnet I was.. lol).

I was busy, he was in a rush for some reason.. it was cool to see him..

I have to backlog this story.. so you know why I liked seeing him. And why I was happy he looked so good.

I used to live in a "modular" home park. His mom's place was right across the street. She had problems (financial) and others.. was seperated.. and really was in a bind.

She always needed something. A ride to the store.. just different things. I had no (relationship) interest in her, but I felt bad for her. I didn't always have the money to keep insurance on my vehicles, but anytime she wanted to use the phone.. needed a ride somewhere.. whatever I was there. I took her, asking nothing in return. Her son (the one) I seen at the show, was always at my home. He loved being there.. he loved Derek, Michelle, me, and all my video games.. lol. Now his mom, was so hurting.. she would make tacos and burittos (she is Mexican) to sell in the neighborhood. She always made me a plate for free... (just setting the story here)

He talked about his "dad" alot. I kinda got the feeling he was missing dad. He (with a smile) always talked about when he went to see his day in "Bay City" (Where I seen him today)

At her house... (the dad didn't live there).. there was always 5 or 6 Mexicans sitting in the yard. They didn't speak English.. basically they just sat there. I found it strange.. thought they was illegal aliens or something.

One day...I hear alot of commotion outside. I see cops all over, I see helicopters in the air.. I see her house "surronded" by law enforcement. I thought to myself (as I seen the 5 non-English speaking Mexicans), handcuffed and on the curb. Someone must have called on the "illegals" (wasn't me, would never do that.

Then I seen a cop van pull up. Drug sniffing dogs pulled out. Her "ex" hubby's van was there. The dogs found an area on it.. and went crazy. The cops got some "equipment" and ripped right through the side of the van. I watched them pull out (what seemed to me.. and I am kinda accurate) a pound of cocaine.

Lots went to jail that night... most were out by morning. Even the "Mexicans" that don't speak English. Seems this kid's dad was a big "coke dealer".

I left shortly after to move to Florida. I never heard what finally happened. I always wondered how the kid was. Honestly.. I been around alot of druggies and such. I never expected a problem in that family like this. I feel it was the dad.. not mom. I feel her son was shielded (they seemed pretty normal).

I do however have a "question"... the boy always talked about seeing "dad" in Bay City.. and now the boy lives there.. did mom move back? did dad get out of prison? I don't know. All I know is what I see. He looked fine... I really hope he is..

ok.. out now.. Gary

posted on Sept 20, 2008 5:34 PM ()


glad you did go at the show. good the hear the boy was ok.
comment by butterfly1969 on Sept 22, 2008 7:22 AM ()
Where did you live in sunny FL?
comment by teacherwoman on Sept 21, 2008 5:23 PM ()
I will say one thing...your life if never
comment by sybilmariee on Sept 21, 2008 5:02 AM ()
Interesting story about the boy. I hope he's okay too. Sounds as though he had a pretty tough go as a kid.
comment by redimpala on Sept 20, 2008 8:09 PM ()

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