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Once In A Lifetime

Hobbies & Games > Well, How About ...

Well, How About ...


It is still really, really, REALLY slow. I know... what am I doing over there? Well, I'm doing what the rest of you are doing... Just looking around.

Now, am I wrong or did the "Team" brag about their graphics artist? I seem to remember something. Well, have you noticed that their graphics on the opening page weren't that hot, so they started using MySpace graphics? Well, that just started with the fall theme... Is it fall yet? I thought it was closer to the 22nd (autumnal solstice?)... I guess I shouldn't be making fun of them... Poor people... They probably paid Eddie a lot for the site and then abandoned all of his coding (which enabled Eddie to retain all of the stuff for mybloggers). How did I learn this stuff? I investigated our extra bookmark. You could do it, too. It tells all about Eddie. How interesting!! I found it to be interesting.

There are still a lot of people blogging there, but many of them are you... here now. Some of you are blogging in both spots. I don't know how you have the stamina to do it. It seems hard for me to blog in one spot... I come and go. I don't go anywhere. I just go.

But the ones who came over to mybloggers are the interesting ones, the good bloggers. We didn't attract many of the kids. Some of them come, but then they go. I guess we're not interesting enough for them. Eddie describes our demographics as being "older." That, as Waylon often says, hurt my feelings. We may be a little older than the teen crowd, but that's it. We are good. We don't use the funny easy speak... well, I don't know what they call it, but they use U for you... stuff like that. We are articulate. We spell correctly. We know how to write. Well, YOU all do... And, we don't put up with the slowness that promised to be faster and better almost a year ago. I left before that, so I missed all the fun of the exasperated bloggers! But, I can go back and read what you wrote then. It's pretty fun to read. Some of you started out nice and sweet and supportive and then you got a little irritated, and then you got mad, and then you got really testy!

Go back and read it. You'll laugh. You know how they say, "Someday, we'll look back on this and laugh." Well, now is someday. Go back and see how it was. I'm warning you though getting from one spot to the other might make you upset all over again... because it's still slow! I don't think in this case, slow and steady wins the race. They're not steady yet.

The best place to start is the Team's blog. From there you can branch out to the various people who complained. There were a lot of complaints! It makes me laugh to even think of it... It is hilarious!

I went to to get this MySpace graphic... But I still have to figure out how to upload it.

Anyway, this one is cuter:

And here's a nice one for winter:

Guess I went off on a tangent! Anyway, I'm not encouraging you to go back... even if WT is still there. Just check out some of the old blogs... which are singularly amusing! And then come back... HERE! Why does that feel like I'm calling a dog?

posted on Sept 10, 2008 12:38 AM ()


I've checked back once in the past 6 months. Same ol', same ol'. This is enough for me. I feel comfortable with my mybloggers friends.
comment by solitaire on Sept 14, 2008 8:03 AM ()
I have only been back once and it was a chore. Wish a couple of my favorites would come to mybloggers...Centurion and Raindance.
comment by elderjane on Sept 12, 2008 1:26 PM ()
Bugster bad...mybloggers good. I found mybloggers by visiting bugster because the My Space page grew boring for me. I only go there to play games with my cousins.
comment by draco on Sept 11, 2008 3:57 PM ()
I get a little red warning box saying it’s linked to…yes I am using a synonym…Obviously I am afeared and do not enter just in case they might…HaH.
comment by dazeymae on Sept 10, 2008 8:37 PM ()
comment by writerproducer on Sept 10, 2008 7:53 PM ()
I still blog over there, because I have a few friends who have not come over to MyBloggers. But it is terribly slow. It was better for a while; but now it's just as bad as it was in the beginning.
comment by redimpala on Sept 10, 2008 7:29 PM ()
GO mybloggers!!
comment by looserobes on Sept 10, 2008 1:00 PM ()
I still read people's blogs on Blogster & of course we still have our pictures there.
comment by panthurdreams on Sept 10, 2008 10:34 AM ()
I used to go back to read people's blogs there, but I gave up on that. I am just too busy to sit at my computer waiting forever for each page to load. Initially, they made some really positive changes, but it is just crashing and burning now.
comment by lunarhunk on Sept 10, 2008 9:10 AM ()

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