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Once In A Lifetime

Health & Fitness > Well, Why Can't I Post?

Well, Why Can't I Post?

I have submitted a post 4 times and it won't print. It says my blog doesn't exist when I try. Well, maybe it doesn't.

Here is my post for the very last time:

I do hope that September is finally over! This has been a traumatic month. I got my computer back a few days ago, but didn’t dare come on mybloggers until September was over. Now, I have to wait 3 more months until this YEAR is over. Good-bye nines!!!!

Well, I’m certain that it’s this year to be perfectly honest. My wordpad in Windows has stopped working - just now! I have no idea what to do or what I did. However, I am writing this on my word processor which is not as simple as pulling up wordpad.

In the meantime, I have been busy. As soon as my computer went down, my husband fell down and landed incorrectly. VERY incorrectly. He has disabled his entire left arm from shoulder to fingertips. It has been difficult. I’ve gotten very little sleep, since I had to tend to his bruises, pain, and such, plus having to turn the heating pad on every two hours, throughout the night. We ordered something with a non-auto shut off, but that didn’t work because it warns not to sleep with it on. He’s still in pain. I hope it gets better soon..... very, very soon. The shoulder part is kind of better, but his elbow and hand and fingers are still not right.

It would help if he went to his physician, but he doesn’t like to go as much as I don’t like to go. We’ll keep hoping that it gets better SOON!

Now, for some good news..... Well, there isn’t any. ***Laughing***

Will come by to visit you slowly... over a few days.

posted on Oct 1, 2009 10:44 PM ()

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