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Politics & Legal > Hacked Emails & Unanswered Questions ...

Hacked Emails & Unanswered Questions ...

Something is fishy, it just doesn't pass the smell test to me.
I was over at another site, reading someone's rant about poor defenseless Sarah Palin and how the big mean liberal Hackers hacked into her private email. Of course, the rant was unfounded, as they don't know WHO hacked into the email at this point, and my mind began to wonder. Wondering back to the days when Holy Joe Liebermann tried to say that the Ned Lamont crew in 2006 crashed or hacked his website. Or the Bill Clements/Mark White 1986 Texas Governor race, where a Bug was said to be found, but eventually speculation turned to a plant by Karl Rove himself.
But anyways, lets get back to what is being said about Sarah Palin. They are claiming that her personal email was hacked. But said hacker, who broke the law, took some useless supporter email screenshots and cheesy useless pictures that really didn't do anything to advance anyones agenda, or the troopergate investigation, or to prove much more than the fact that yes she used an unsecure email to conduct official government business (an aspect the right is ignoring, to whine about the actual hacking). But there is one agenda this did accomplish...
It opened the door to allowing her to delete the account, and possibly evidence related to the troopergate investigation.
Would someone smart enough to be a hacker not know that? Would they not know to get the real meat and not something lame?
Alright, maybe this does sound a touch conspiratorial, but not without good reason. It's not like we havent seen or heard stories along these lines before. Who benefits? Ask yourself that when thinking of this story. Why risk it? And WHY USE AN UNSECURE EMAIL FOR GOVERNMENT BUSINESS? Is that the kind of "security minded" individual we really want as a Vice President. Come on, Really?! No one benefits from this except the Republicans, and Palin as she weasles away from troopergate a little more. And what does this do, with her popularity falling more and more each day. Sympathy maybe, a feeling of a damsel in distress? Are they playing the sexism card here? I'm just asking.
And on a final note, my email, your email, everyone's email is open for this administrations unhindered peering thanks to the Republican controlled house, senate and executive branches of the early years of this administration. What makes her case any more sympathetic than ours? We don't know what they are doing with our information either, now do we. We know they are data mining, we know they have privatized certain portions of intelligence collection. But we don't know the extent or the purpose. What makes her ordeal better or worse than our own, when we really think about it?

posted on Sept 18, 2008 8:03 AM ()


From what I saw on the news last night it was a teen, and it was easy to do. He didn't 'hack' all he did was pretend he/Palin, forgot his pass word. There's so much info about her anywhere he got the answers to getting into her mail account off any web page with info about her. Then he got a 'new' password and he was in her account. Pretty easy.
comment by anacoana on Sept 20, 2008 11:47 AM ()
Never thought about deleting evidence this way.... Nice thoughts, thx!
comment by itsjustme on Sept 19, 2008 1:05 AM ()
Big Brother is always watching.
comment by fredo on Sept 18, 2008 11:03 AM ()
Big Brother is watching.
comment by draco on Sept 18, 2008 8:24 AM ()

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