It's good to finally have a few days off, it has given me a chance to catch up on my reading, and resting. So I thought I would share some of what I found...
If the Election were held Right now, Obama/Binden would win, but only by 3 electoral votes, even if Ohio and Florida go to McSame. That means there is still plenty work to do for us supporters to make sure we don't have 4 more years of the same. The polls are really sucking for McCain at the moment, and some are even showing that Palin is dragging McCain down further now.
McCain says he would fire the head of the SEC! Only one problem there Mr. Supported deregulation that got us here...
"The chairman of the SEC serves at the appointment of the
president and in my view has betrayed the public's trust,"
McCain said. "If I were president today, I would fire him."
Presidents do not have the authority to fire the SEC
chairman, but they can take away the chairmanship from a
commissioner and can request his or her resignation.

He's starting to sound like his "what is it the vice-president does everyday" running mate.
Are you confused about the Economy? Don't worry, the Republicans have messed it up so badly that experts are having a hard time too. And the Wall Street Journal says the worst is yet to come. Washington Mutual is looking for a buyer now too, because they are having a crisis. But hey, they got their Drill here bill, so just hold out another 10 years and it might help.
McCain, Mr. Anti-earmark has more issues than his running mates love of the earmark. Some of his closest associates seem to be very fond of them as well. Do you think he will really cut them off too. Please....
Who benefits from the deregulation the republicans have pushed. Well let's look at the financial backers of the parties for the answer. Try Commercial banks and Insurance agencies (does that tell you why they don't support universal health care too?). Or you could just count the number of Lobbyists in the campaign, for McSame, that would be 83 lobbyists.
After Bush's buddies the Saudis have bombed an embassy in Yemen, Bush remains silent (shocking, I know...), and McCain points to another advisary to the U.S., Spain?! Wh-What?!
And on a final note, one of my favorite radio talk show hosts, who I have followed for 3 years now has a show on MSNBC weeknights at 9pm. Her name is Rachel Maddow, and her show's ratings have beat not only Olbermann, but also Larry King! You guys and gals should check her out! Peace out to everyone, have a great day!