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Can't Buy Me Love

Life & Events > Relationships > Weekend and a 5k to Boot

Weekend and a 5k to Boot

I just signed up for the Run Forrest Run 5K! This event is sponsored by BubbaGumpShrimpCo as part of the Long Beach Marathon and they are giving away treats to the participants after the race along with a goodie bag and t-shirt.

I got talked into the 5K by my new virtual running buddies on Spark. Several of them are running their first Half Marathon and I'm going down to support them and participate in the event as well - just a 3 mile race for me. I've learned a lot from them over the past few weeks about running longer distances.

Thom asked me about it and I told him that I wasn't going to invite him to go along. He seemed a little insulted until I mentioned that I'd have to leave for the event around 5:30 in the morning. I told him we have a couple weeks to decide if he wanted to go but if he did, lunch at BubbaGumps would be on me for getting up that early on a Sunday.

I'm still training for my Half in November. So far so good. I was super sore last week but got a massage from Thom with TigerBalm. Ahhhhh, that felt good.

Oh, and for those of you following along with the puppy-saga. I finally point-blank asked him what he was going to do about Ty - the peeing rambunctious 60lb puppy that he rescued many moons ago - he said that he needs to find him a home. He's just dragging his feet because it's gonna be hard to find such a large dog a good home. At least Ty is a very happy and loving dog and with some good professional training will be a really good dog for someone with enough space for a dog his size.

He said that every girl seems to dislike the puppy though. I laughed... and said it was likely the non-stop licking that he does. That dog will lick anything. Yuck!

Besides the obvious reasons for not keeping the puppy, cost and care of two dogs is his main thing right now. He's feeling the burden of having two dogs and wanting to go on trips. Thom's older dog Ben always had willing dog sitters at the ready but now with two, the willingness is not there.

Luckily I'm going with him this weekend to an art festival and we're camping out in the park over night so I wasn't asked to dog sit. Haha!

Happy Monday... although I seemed to have picked up a cold.


P.S. Thom also took me out for sushi and a movie. We saw the new Cohen Brothers flick, Burn After Reading. It's good, typical Cohen Brothers to put it simply with lots of good performances. I like when Thom has some money... he's less stressed when I'm around.

posted on Sept 29, 2008 1:22 PM ()


I've been wanting to see that movie. Have fun camping and good luck training. You are amazing!!!
comment by kissy2008 on Sept 30, 2008 10:17 AM ()
have a great time, kiddo--that is one big puppy!
comment by angiedw on Sept 30, 2008 7:23 AM ()
Sounds like a fun weekend! I don't like it when Spike licks me unless I ask for a kiss. It annoys the piss out of me when he licks people. One of my fellow dog lovers told me she met a dog who doesn't sniff you before they lick you, it's like instant licking. NOT a fan of dog licking. Boys who are hot who want to lick me that is another story!
comment by spicybitch on Sept 29, 2008 5:34 PM ()
I loved Brad Pitt in Burn After Reading but was shocked, too.
comment by mrsstu on Sept 29, 2008 1:44 PM ()
Kudos to you for the 5K.If not for the bad knees I would do a marathon. As far as puppies go...most of them are easily trained. My border collie mix when she was a puppy peed and pooped on our floor, chewed the siding on our old house, and dug up and killed our japanese maple. It took us a few months to train her and she asks us to go outside when she needs to potty. She no longer chews or digs. She does have the occasional accident when she's not feeling well or we don't get home in time to let her out(she and her pug brother are spoiled indoor dogs.)
comment by draco on Sept 29, 2008 1:41 PM ()
sounds like fun, camping! YAY!
Cool deal on joining another marathon... you are amazing!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 29, 2008 1:41 PM ()

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