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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Today's Miracle Mind ? > Donnamarie's Comments

Donnamarie's Comments

"Yesterday is but today's memory, tomorrow is today's dream.”....You knew I would zone in on this one!

Very good reading, he certainly stated some remarkably true things...just think about what he's saying and, yep, it clicks!
Comment on Kahil Gibran Birthday Jan 6 1883 - Jan 7, 2009 10:58 AM ()
I'm going to go look for it...I'd like to hear the song, so wish me luck in finding it.
Comment on Want to Feel Your Heart Breaking? - Jan 7, 2009 10:48 AM ()
I guess, in spite of it's name, they're not supposed to be promoting drinking beer or anything intoxicating. I think they should stick to the name, though, and require the beer drinking (that's when the real challenge comes in) and then have a "dry" version for those who choose not to drink, but still keep it a, drinking shots of hot sauce or real sour lemon juice...something that might start ""getting" to the players.

A sport? Nah, I wouldn't go so far as to call Beer Pong a sport, but I used to play a similar game called "Quarters"...pitching quarters into shot glasses, get a quarter in and somebody has to drink the shot of vodka in it.
Comment on Beer Pong - Jan 6, 2009 5:56 PM ()
That's beautiful, Martin. We can do our best to leave the right kind of mark in and from our lives onto the lives and into the hearts of others. You know that you are doing that, right?
Comment on I'm a Sap for Stories like This! :O) - Jan 6, 2009 5:47 PM ()
This is so very sad...who's to know if the same would have resulted even if Jett was still on the medication because there was mention that the medication may not have been completely effective. I lived with an epileptic for 15 years and the grand mals were often very extreme, lasting a bit over the usual expected time, the involuntary movements becoming almost deadly to anyone trying to assist, and the "recovery" periods often being more difficult to control than the seizures themselves, but I can honestly say that I don't recall any screaming, yelling, or obvious vocal sounds/signals ever being present. Whether "my" individual was really good at suppression or an exception to the usual rule-of-thumb, I'll never know. I just know from experience that it couldn't have been easy for the Travoltas.
Comment on Jett Travolta Died from Seizure Disorder - Jan 6, 2009 3:28 PM ()
Those cartoons were udder-ly moo-ving!

I like that crazy survey...tells us a little about you with no specific details, but just enough to let us in on who you are. Mind if I use it in one of my posts?
Comment on There's Only One Way to Do It! - Jan 6, 2009 12:55 PM ()
Nice job in the kitchen! Wow, so modern and neat looking and I do love the color!

By the way, I can't think of anything nasty about getting laid so, yes, getting the floor laid is perfectly good English! lol That's how we say it and we don't flinch at all when we do! lol

Glad you had a nice vacation...dining on the terrace on New Year's Eve, oh you make me drool! Happy New Year to you, too, and welcome back!
Comment on Back to Work Again - Jan 6, 2009 11:34 AM ()
Days off, aren't they wonderful? I also agree that your son should get a diploma or is so competitive now and one never knows what will be needed and/or missed/regretted in the future. As for going into the military, well I can understand any mixed feelings and reservations there might be, but it is a very personal decision, I think, but one that needs some help in reaching the decision to go or not. And, one more thing, that scooter your daughter has sounds like something I'd like to have! I can just see me tootling around on something like that!
Comment on Just Another Manic Monday - Jan 6, 2009 11:25 AM ()
Yes, I consider this to be a must-see-if-it-can-be-seen movie. It sounds like it is a good story, but also has given me the impression that it is well-made and well-acted.
Comment on The Reader--the Movie Review - Jan 6, 2009 10:12 AM ()
Glad you got to enjoy a nice lunch after your not-so-nice visit to the dentist. You might not be able to explain your reaction exactly, but the thing is you were not expecting it, you weren't ready, so it was not the time to do it. I know you'll go back when you're ready and have that tooth taken care of.
Comment on Dentist, Coward, Lunch, Weight, Movie, Etc. - Jan 6, 2009 10:09 AM ()
My mom makes bootie slippers all the time, but I think she'll like seeing these. The double souls make a lot of warmth and comfort sense and I don't recall her ever making any with double souls. These really do look as good as they look to be warm and comfy. Thanks for sharing!
Comment on Bootee Slippers (Free Pattern) - Jan 6, 2009 8:36 AM ()
I know what you mean! Now I find myself actually thinking about what has to be done and I keep getting up just for the sake of doing SOME thing!
Comment on Not Too Much Going On - Jan 5, 2009 1:01 PM ()
I love this post because I like the point you are making. No, I'm not surprised by what GM makes, should I be? More along the lines of what you said, let them tell me something that WILL surprise me! Like, those hybrid cars, for instance...or cars clear off their own snow! Maybe GM cares so much about us that OnStar will come standard in every car at no additional cost. Those are the surprises that might help us to have a love affair with this American auto company again. If a bailout is wanted, then they should be willing to GIVE something in return... something that at least gives the impression that they are trying to change, improve, and care. And, maybe show a little appreciation. Now, that would be a surprise!
Comment on Playoffs Advertising - Surprised? - Jan 5, 2009 12:43 PM ()
You can do it, AJ, because you want to and you're a person with determination to see things through. You've proven it before in the weight department and in other ways, as well, so don't dwell on any doubts and go ahead on your success records. As far as gaining some weight? Well, weight gain and loss is like so many other things in life where we humans all find some wanted and unwanted slips and changes. It only reaffirms what Martin has said all along...that one can never become so confidant and comfortable to think all will stay exactly as is without having to face the challenges and be vigilant on the necessity of it throughout one's lifetime. Just see this as another opportunity for retaking control over yourself and you'll find that you will not only lose the weight, but will also be taking better care of yourself again.
Comment on Back on the Diet Again - Jan 5, 2009 6:16 AM ()
I guess Robbie is trying to be Evil, but he falls short of it...pardon the pun.

It must have been fun to be in Vegas for New Year's Eve...just being somewhere with something going on makes a memorable occasion, even if some expectations fall short. Heck, even though it's been tons of years since I've done anything special on NYE, I can still remember all the fun of being in NYC, at Disney World, and even at First Night Celebrations right here in Providence, RI.

I think you probably had a better view of the fireworks than most of the people on the streets, huh?
Comment on New Year's Eve in Las Vegas - Jan 4, 2009 9:45 AM ()

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