Well, I haven't seen any one of those movies, so I can't say if I agree or disagree with you on any of them. I really do want to see Milk, though. If only it wasn't so darn expensive to go to the movies...maybe then I would be able to go more than a few times a year. I don't qualify for any kind of discounts and those discounted matinees only occur on my working days. I really don't like to go to the movies alone and Edie's schedule actually wrecks most chances for a night of going to the movies. And, even though there's a huge abundance of cinemas around, with all being at least a 30-minute drive away, that has to be taken into consideration, too, financially, time-wise and, of course, during the winter when traveling any distance may not be so safe or pleasant. So, I envy you because I would love to be able to go to the movies regularly, too.
Oh, I also meant to mention that I would like to see No Country for Old Men.
Well, I guess it'll be good to have the "real" you back again?
Just kidding, Joan, because you really are a nicer person than you think. Well, at least I think so.
I've put all my Santa-type decorations away, too, but not my other stuff. As progressive as I may seem to be at times (sometimes, I guess), some traditions just can't be chucked, so I can not and will not put my Nativity Set away until after Jan 6. Also, to mark Little Christmas, as we refer to it, Edie and I exchange some little token gifts with each other that we held in reserve instead of opening on Christmas. So, I have at least a few more days of some decorations around before I can say that everything has been buried to be forgotten for another year.
Kelli, I agree whole-heartedly. I love people and love being around them, with them, and interacting with them, even if all we're doing is simply being together. Yet, I need and do enjoy my alone time. Those by myself times are often used to let out emotions freely, to self-examine my goals and moods and any number of thoughts, to enjoy nature and maybe even get lost in it, to read or listen to music, and sometimes to dance to the music like a wild one without anybody around wondering if I've popped a cork or something. I do find, though, that too much of one and not enough of another can have it's consequences, usually mentally, so it's important to find one's own level of balance between the socializing and the isolating.
You may get dismissed, you never know. Or, you could find yourself a part of something that really turns out to be quite interesting, you never know. I'd say, just be prepared for both...bring some knitting, any meds you may need, some pocket money, and whatever else you think you'll need without loading yourself down like you're going on a safari. Hey, it may not be so bad, after all it's all starting on Jan 19, which is my birthday, so good things do happen on that date! lol
Yes, I have taken some pictures, but time has not allowed for me to get them into the computer. Especially since my scanner went down, so I'm not even sure if I can get the pictures in yet. I'll be working on it, though.
I commented over at the "other place", but I just want to add a note here, too! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Wonderful post! A great hymn to get me thinking, a referral to a post that made me open my eyes (and see a great photo, too!), and a reminder that there is just so much good in our lives in spite of all the bad. How else would we really recognize and appreciate the good? Thank you for a wonderful post!
One must take into consideration among who the poll was taken, regardless of any statements claiming the poll to be representing a cross-section of all viewers/fans. Over-all, there are a number of things I disagree with in this article's results, but I am picking MY answers based on long-life comparisons to other performers, performances, movies, headlines, etc., while many only have the "now", what's hot in the media, and shorter-term memories to rely on.
Well now, I don't know if I should be interested or should express dis-interest. I love some crappy movies, too...why? I haven't the foggiest idea! But, do I purposely seek them out with specific intentions of seeing them? I should say not! Thus, my state of confusion.
You know, Martin, unlike you I don't get to see many movies and, when I do, I tend to be rather selective. This December "rush" does not make my life any happier when it comes to the world of cinema because I will only get to choose one movie to see, if I'm lucky to see one at all. If the movies were spread out throughout the year in a better way, I might be able to see a couple or a few of the contenders, maybe even a few "just to enjoy" movies, too. So, by the time the year ended, I might be able to say that I saw 2 to 4 of the nominated movies (and maybe one or two others) instead of having to say that I only got to see four movies at the cinema all year and only one (or none) are nominees. I love movies... all kinds of movies... but often go without seeing any of the "big" ones that I always said I wanted to see. I am trying to include more movie viewing in my life, so maybe I'll get to see all of this year's contenders at some point (even if it is after the Awards) and maybe see more movies in the future. (Hey, I did finally get to see Wall-E!)
Oh, my...teehee...a nice chuckle to start out the day!
Wow, they do grow fast, don't they? What a beautiful sweater, though, to replace those already outgrown. Beautiful work, as usual.
I'm going to go look at that. You know I support a lot of worthy causes/charities, and this is one that is right there on my list.
All are so wise and so true. Nothing in this world is absolutely mine, but only in my possession or within my grasp for enjoyment and safe-keeping, for all will pass on to someone or something else in some form. Even my body, my flesh and blood, is/are not absolutely mine.
This is very inspirational...it makes you think, doesn't it? Funny how Mother Nature has made it so that animals can do so much so sensibly and do it instinctively...they don't need an explanation to find sense in it all. They may not even fully comprehend what they are doing or why, but they do it. Good post, ana!
Oh, I also meant to mention that I would like to see No Country for Old Men.