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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Today's Miracle Mind ? > Donnamarie's Comments

Donnamarie's Comments

I didn't forget! I looked her up and, ohhhhh, I was a bit embarrassed because, as soon as I saw her pics, I knew exactly who Nina Foch was! You're right, she was a talented delight and I should have known that. I guess I just never knew her name...just her face and her characters.
Comment on Another One from the Past Passes :O) - Dec 17, 2008 9:32 AM ()
I was thrilled to read this post! I am very familiar with Susan Polis Schutz, some of her poetry, the Blue Mountain card company (I used the .com "version" of it many, many times), and her views on gay society. She communicates well, a romantic "way" of expressing her thoughts so that people don't feel other words, they tune in rather than tune out. I was so disappointed when the company sold out and I don't believe I pursued what would be the Blue Mountain line more than once or twice since the sell-out. Great post!
Comment on Susan Polis Schutz ..Poet and Her Life ... ... - Dec 17, 2008 7:44 AM ()
What a nice feeling it must be to know that the "project" is almost complete. And, to think the trip to the Canary Islands will be like capping everything off! Wow!
Comment on Expansion #11 - Dec 17, 2008 7:16 AM ()
You are so right! That's what the Christmas season has become and I can almost bet that the season will grow longer and longer if the retailers and greeting card companies have their way.
Comment on What is with the 12 Days of Christmas? - Dec 16, 2008 3:11 PM ()
I like them all, but I really like "Hold On", the Pueblo prayer. I think because it is short, simple, and easily phrased that, like other rhythmic verse prayers, are easy to recite, to understand, and to carry along with us. I might be printing this one out and framing's so simple that it's profound. (Hmmm, was that the word I wanted?)
Comment on Wisdom Quotes Native American - Dec 16, 2008 9:02 AM ()
You actually included the word discombobulated? Wow, and that's a word that describes everything for me right now! Whew! And, all you have is last minute shopping to do? I have ALL shopping to do. Only about half the decorations are up, I need to get some food in this house and some laundry done...oh, just so much before guests arrive next week.

I hope you really, really get to enjoy your holiday vacation break. Stock up on movies, find a game of Twister or some other "keep them occupied" kind of game, and maybe the kids won't be so bored...even you can get in on some of that fun! I know you're hands are full when you have all the kids and each will have their own ways, but it's still great to have a family, isn't it? Just smile and say thank you...even when you have to grit your teeth to do it. lol
Comment on The Last Monday Before Christmas Vacation! - Dec 16, 2008 8:46 AM ()
We were in the 20's, yesterday it hit 60...what a rollercoaster ride we've been's been like this for over a week now and it looks like it's going to continue this way for awhile. If it was as cold here as it is where you are, I wouldn't go shopping, either...I wouldn't even want to go out to check the mail!

Those teddies are sooooooooooo cute and the pics with the cats, awwwwww, they're all cute, too. I just love those teddy bears, though.
Comment on Brrrrr - Dec 16, 2008 8:25 AM ()
Sounds like a great movie...and, yes, I like it when a place (or thing) is pronounced correctly, especially when a "professional" person is speaking.
Comment on Movies - What Just Happened - Dec 16, 2008 7:07 AM ()
This all sounds so very good and something I should really pay attention to and put to use. The only thing "wrong" with it is that, for me to get rid of those pent-up feelings and release my real feelings and thoughts on things, it would take me days ... maybe even more days. Yes, I'm a hold-it-all-in person who only allows anything to get out like steam from a tea kettle...when I'm ready, something will get released...when enough pressure has been released, the stream of steam eases off to the point of stopping. Whatever contents remain in the kettle will just sit there until bubbling and boiling begin again, but the contents are never completely emptied. I would have to come completely clean with myself in order to do that and I don't even want to admit to some of those things.
Comment on Releasing Our Pent up Feelings..kum Nye - Dec 15, 2008 6:47 AM ()
I live in an area where names have multiple spellings, due to the changing from original European (mostly English) spellings and then more "modernized"(?) American-translated(?) spellings, such as Plymouth (MA) which is Plimoth...and Attleboro (MA) which is Attleborough...and numerous examples of this. However, the different terms or tenses of words being used has not been a big deal, although I do find them often in poetry and in music lyrics.

Along the lines of your post, though, I have commonly heard both lit and lighted used in one particular sense, so neither surprises me or makes me take special notice. A well lit area and a well lighted area. Either is fine and common. So, when I'm in a well lighted area, I'm delighted. When I'm in a well lit area, I suppose I'm delit.
Comment on Man Proposes and God Disposes - Dec 15, 2008 6:12 AM ()
Very pretty...when I look out at scenes like that, it makes me feel toasty warm being indoors. And, it's peaceful. Again, very pretty.
Comment on Sparkles - Dec 15, 2008 5:48 AM ()
I happen to be one who likes a "quick fix" of junk food at times. Not often, but a trip through a drive through window to grab a quick burger and fries while flying from one destination to another when there won't be a meal to eat otherwise is a wonderful "quick fix" for me. Also, many of the highway rest stops only offer fast food counters, even if they offer more than one choice they are still within the fast food category...without wanting to detour off the highway when trying to make some time on a long trip, these stops are convenient and don't take up much time. But, to me, there is no reason to "glamorize" any such places, such as this example of what McDonald's is doing. I hope people really never believed and still don't believe that McDonald's or any similar place was ever supposed to be a true dining experience on any level.
Comment on Viva Macdonald's - Dec 15, 2008 5:42 AM ()
Wow, AJ, this is so unusual coming from you. Even when you find fault with something, you seldom find fault throughout most of it. How disappointing to come from such a popular author who generally turns out better works.
Comment on You've Been Warned by Patterson & Roughan - Dec 9, 2008 2:43 PM ()
Maybe you won't see this here because you'll be over there, but I'm leaving it here and then will go over there and see you there. (Is that confusing? I hope it made you chuckle! Here, not there.)
Comment on On a Blog Vacation ... or More - Dec 9, 2008 2:09 PM ()
It all sounds so! It's moving right along, though, isn't that great? It's nice you got a little break by going to Haarlem...that must have been pretty to see.
Comment on Expansion #8 - Dec 9, 2008 1:53 PM ()

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