Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Entertainment > Movies > Movies of 2008--my Picks of Best & Worst

Movies of 2008--my Picks of Best & Worst

In 2008 I saw about 58 films in movie houses (where I believe movies you want to see should be seen!!)
Of the 58 about 48 would fall into the so-so category mainly forgotten a few minutes after seeing them.
On my best list are 2 that opened in 2007 but that I didn't see until 2008. I am
listing them in the order I saw them. My criteria for being a best film
is that I want to see them again and/or I would buy the DVD version
(after seeing them FIRST in a movie theatre--get the message? LOL)
There Will Be Blood
No Country For Old Men
Cadillac Records
On the worst list: (in no particular order)
Fast Girls
Smart People
Then She Found Me
I Dreamt Under The Water
The House Of Adam
The best performances of the year were Sean Penn in Milk and Josh Brolin in W and Milk. Brolin has really been giving great performances in his last 5 pictures.
I, basically, see a movie and post a review every Friday--will be seeing The Reader on Monday!  :O)

posted on Jan 3, 2009 4:52 PM ()


That is true! I really like cheesy stuff.
comment by lunarhunk on Jan 4, 2009 12:22 PM ()
Well, I haven't seen any one of those movies, so I can't say if I agree or disagree with you on any of them. I really do want to see Milk, though. If only it wasn't so darn expensive to go to the movies...maybe then I would be able to go more than a few times a year. I don't qualify for any kind of discounts and those discounted matinees only occur on my working days. I really don't like to go to the movies alone and Edie's schedule actually wrecks most chances for a night of going to the movies. And, even though there's a huge abundance of cinemas around, with all being at least a 30-minute drive away, that has to be taken into consideration, too, financially, time-wise and, of course, during the winter when traveling any distance may not be so safe or pleasant. So, I envy you because I would love to be able to go to the movies regularly, too.

Oh, I also meant to mention that I would like to see No Country for Old Men.
comment by donnamarie on Jan 4, 2009 9:34 AM ()
Thanks for the review. I feel so ignorant because I don't know most of the titles you mention! I know I read your reviews, though, because I always do.
comment by lunarhunk on Jan 4, 2009 7:38 AM ()
Okay,half of the movies there did not see and have no intention of seeing.
With the exception of Milk and Australia.
See you have a fan there.CC.
comment by fredo on Jan 4, 2009 5:50 AM ()
Mr Great Martin. You can see most any movie, online and for free even. Most before they hit the "theaters". I watch most every new movie on my computer. Personally, I question the "legality" of this.. but the sites that have it claim it's legal. All I know is, the companies "like Sony" will go for them way before you. They have thousands of links, to any movie you want to see really.

Here is what you do. Go to "". This will give you a listing of thousands of movies. They are links, to posted movies. Now a great portion comes from "". You can watch everything free.. however, of you don't pay for "premium" service, the quality is less (depending on the site).. and "Mega Video" (for example) will cut you off after 70 minutes. So you gotta wait an hour to see th4e full thing.

I pay for a "Mega Video" account. To me, worth it. Costs $14 for 2 months. I have seen almost every movie here, that is on the "big screen".. most look good, but some don't. But I have enough selection to choose from, that I don't care.

I use "" to locate the movies I want, and click to see on my "premium account" with "Megavideo". It's seemless... automatic goes into my account. Plus they have a bug.. cause anyone I give my account info can too.. for now.. till they figure that out.

Anyway Martin.. check into this.. you would like I feel.
Gary (coincutter)

comment by coincutter on Jan 3, 2009 6:37 PM ()
Waiting for payday so I can go see Brad Pitt's new movie.
comment by redimpala on Jan 3, 2009 6:22 PM ()
Just saw Yes Man. Thought it was so-so.
comment by teacherwoman on Jan 3, 2009 4:59 PM ()

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