If you liked American Pie, you probably would find this one a bit familiar. I am not sure if it was meant to be a parody of that film or if just used the basic storyline and character types to form the basis of the film. The story is about four friends who are graduating from high school, and they are totally depressed about the fact that they are all still virgins. They decide that they are going to use the summer to all become men. The big twist is that they are all gay, which does not seemed to be a problem in their universe.
American Pie aficianados will find that over-sexed Stiffler, one of the most popular characters, has been replaced by Muffler, a big, butch dyke out to mentor our protagonists. She is hysterical as she provides advice to them and anyone else who will listen. Considering her success with the ladies, she has a lot to offer.
Griff is the "nerd" of the group. He is self conscious about his looks and has a huge crush on one of the other guys in the group. Griff catches the eye of a trainer at the local gym, but he is not sure he is up to the guy's expectations.
Jarod, a stud who has done things with guys that are often not actually considered sex (even by former President Clinton), has his own issues. Actually, it is one issue in particular: he is concerned about his size, which leads him to take some drastic actions. He does end up meeting a nice guy while playing softball.
Nico is the most stereotypical gay guy in the gang. He is right on the edge of drag. At the same time, he has been dating a girl at school who is oblivious to his interest in guys. Some of that is probably due to the fact that she is sight impaired, which means she misses most of the obvious signs. Nico's mother is not quite as confused, which is probably not a problem since she runs a gay video rental place.
Finally, there is Andy. He is the kind of guy that has everything that can go wrong go wrong, particularly in the area of sex. His father is supportive, but Andy's need to practice with various vegetables and even a quiche leads to some really awkward moments with his parents. He also has a crush on his foreign-exchange teacher, who is ably played by Graham Norton.
As you can see, there really isn't a lot of depth to this one. I love it, but you know me and the low-brow humor. I did find it interesting that I found myself a little more uncomfortable with the level of crudity at times, but I think that was more due to the gay-themes of most of the humor. Most of what is found in American Pie is no less offensive, but my social training makes it more shocking to have gay characters doing those kinds of things.