Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
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Entertainment > Movies > The Reader--the Movie Review

The Reader--the Movie Review

Kate Winslet is getting a lot of acclaim for her role in
"Revolutionary Road" but it is her role as Hanna Schmitz in "The
Reader" that should earn her an Oscar nomination if not a win! Along
with Kate, David Kross should be getting the same acknowledgements that
she is but he isn't. For mostly different reasons, which we won't get
into here, both Allen and I were very impressed with David who plays
the teenager lover of an older woman played by Kate which takes place
over one summer until she disappears from his life only to show up
years later when he is in law school.

The motivation behind
Kate's character was something a little hard to comprehend by Allen
though I understood it completely. It's not that one of us is smarter
than the other but that we look upon that certain aspect in life from
different point of views. I won't say that I understand why she did
what she eventually did but I did understand her feelings, and reasons,
that sent her in that direction.

It is always a delight to see
Ralph Fiennes and he plays the older version of David's character but,
unless his name was a draw to bring in people, anyone really could have
played his role.

Lena Olin plays a double role and is good in
both but her last scene, as two other scenes are, completely
unnecessary in the film and, once again, a film is 15-20 minutes longer
than it should have been.

I am not familiar with David Kross and
if he has done other films but the main reasons for seeing this film
are to see him and Kate Winslet doing exceptional acting jobs and an
'interesting', different look at an often used theme in movies, the holocaust.

posted on Jan 5, 2009 8:01 PM ()


Yes, I consider this to be a must-see-if-it-can-be-seen movie. It sounds like it is a good story, but also has given me the impression that it is well-made and well-acted.
comment by donnamarie on Jan 6, 2009 10:12 AM ()
Yes,I planned on seeing this.When it gets here.
Still waiting of the other.
I am interesting also to see 'Che"was always fascinated by this person
Don't ask me why something about him and the story there.
Will loved to see this one.
Hope Milk is coming this week or I'll scream.
No I am not a drama queen but could learn.
comment by fredo on Jan 6, 2009 9:58 AM ()

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