Ever since Election Day, things have sort of gone by the wayside with my diet and exercise regime. I would like to say that I could blame my hectic schedule with my class, the holidays, and other work-related responsibilities. While that explains the challenge of scheduling my workouts, it does nothing to reason away the cheating I have done with my diet.
Now, I was really proud of the weight-loss I completed a while ago (80 lbs). Don't worry, I didn't put it all back on, but I did put on more than I would really have thought I could. I am actually really ashamed of what has happened. I swore never to let myself put weight back on, and now I have.
So, the new season of The Biggest Loser starts up again, and my goal is to lose all the weight I gained again by the end of the season. That should be something like 12 weeks, which is about the normal run of the show. That should be more than enough time for that.
Wish me luck!