Mina is 16 years old and a junior in high school. To make matters even more interesting, her family's unique make-up is really coming to a head. Don't tell anyone, but her parents and her Uncle Mortie are all vampires. It is a long story, but they have been keeping that a secret in order to avoid getting the attention of the Vampire Council because they want to make sure they can lead as normal a life for Mina as possible.
The council has rules that are very important to keep vamp society safe. That means that non-vampires are not allowed to know they really exist, and as such she would not be able to live with her parents ... or even remember that they exist.
Now that the council knows about her existence, it is time for her to make an important decision that will affect the rest of her life ... or is it undeath. Anyway, she is going through some basic training, and when it is done, she will have to decide whether she wants to become a vampire or not.
As all of this is going on, Mina is moving on with her life at school with her friends, and things are really hopping. She and her best friend Serena seem to have been accepted into the alpha crowd, which is led by the superhot Nathan, whom she has had a crush on since the second grade. She also has caught the attention of George, one of the guys she is going to vampire classes with and who is also in her school. He is a great, nice guy, but you know what most girls think about nice. Finally, there is Aubrey, who is also in her vamp class, and he is dreamy ... like out of Hollywood hot.
The story is fun, and it is told in first person by Mina, who is funny and sassy. With that said, I found myself finding her to be a little too perky and trying too hard to be funny. It doesn't ruin the story at all. It is actually really light and breezy in tone, which is not something that you would normally accept from a vampire tale. Fun and fluffy is the best way to describe this one, though it is not up to the standard of The Princess Diaries or the Georgia Nicolson books.