Holidays are over, rebuilding almost finished so time to write again a bit.
First to all the best wishes for 2009.
I promised to add some pics well here they are (in picture gallery cause I cant add them here...too large). The yellow kitchen is the old one ( well it wasnt that old btw) situated in the back side of our living room. The dark one (its called cappuccino) the new one situated in the front side of the living room now.
Rebuilding is finished now, but some little things are needed to be done. Radiators still need to be delivered and that will be round January 19, nice thigh design radiators we ordered.
Also the new floor need to be layed here (hope that's correct English cause it sounds a bit nasty getting layed.....). It will be done on January 25 and the day after it Luxaflex will be installed.
My days on Tenerife were great. Its hard to imagine that the temperature is that high in winter that you are able to walk in shorts and with short sleeves. I had a great time there, tanned a bit, ate a lot (too much) walked a lot, visited a jungle park with a great show with birds of prey. Celebrated new years eve eating on a terrace.
It was difficult to experience the cold in Holland when we arrived at home. On Tenerife it was about 25 degrees C. and at home minus 5 when we landed.
Once at home a lot needed to be done. Some painting, some cleaning, to groceries.... all the usual thing.
A special thx btw to my friend Bruno. He left an email everyday for me. It felt good we were able to talk again when I was home, really missed our chats.
Yesterday i left for work again and normal life is back. Holidays already feels like a long time ago.
were nice. Bet you are real proud. Have a great year.