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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Today's Miracle Mind ? > Donnamarie's Comments

Donnamarie's Comments

I haven't jumped into the world of James Patterson yet, so I don't really know how I will feel about this one when comparing it to others. I might start with others, though.
Comment on Cross Country by James Patterson - Jan 9, 2009 11:25 AM ()
I'm looking forward to it this year. I felt they did pretty good with what little they had to work with last lieu of the Golden Globes show itself...but it's nice to know that we'll have the real thing back with us this year.
Comment on Glamour When You Need It! - Jan 9, 2009 11:06 AM ()
Wow, look at that Comet Lulin!

That's some relieving news about WR 104...I didn't like thinking about the alternative.

I don't know where the heck we are! It's on a planet, maybe a moon...I say planet, no moon, no planet...I'm going to say .... hmmmmmm ... a MOON.

You know, I like that pic (impression) of the brown dwarf...I just like the whole look of it. But, now I'm going to go look to see what color the brown really is if it isn't really brown.
Comment on Stephen Hawking, Happy Birthday and News -Space - Jan 9, 2009 9:28 AM ()
LOL, what a humorous way to express yourself! I love it. Now, let's look at where poor ol' Boston College is in those standings. Ohh, how sad!
Comment on God is a Sooner Fan! - Jan 9, 2009 9:07 AM ()
Ancient humor Pretty funny stuff, when you think of it, probably quite a hit back then. I never really thought about the existence of humor in other ages, so I enjoyed this. As far as the marijuana goes, though, I did know that it went well, well back in history. I like the possible connection to the word "stoned", though...very clever!
Comment on Fast Times at Socrates High - Jan 8, 2009 5:23 PM ()
Hysterical! I love those old shows, don't you?
Comment on Dean, Angie & Dom Very Funny - Jan 8, 2009 12:27 PM ()
Vampires, perky, fun and fluffy...doesn't sound like a tale for me. I'm afraid I'll be passing on this one.
Comment on Sucks to Be Me by Kimberly Pauley - Jan 8, 2009 10:06 AM ()
You are in a rare bunch of people who like Mondays...most people dread that day. I can't help but be curious as to why it's your favorite day.
Comment on Crazy Survey from Carryon - Jan 8, 2009 10:03 AM ()
How come I can't see anything?
Comment on Dean , Angie and Dom Very Funny - Jan 8, 2009 9:55 AM ()
Wowee! What power and passion in those words that just seem to ring out like he was standing there bellowing them out himself! If he can't make you stop and think, then we are just think-less...this all so applies to today and to just about every era in history, not just for this country and countrymen, but all around the world. Unbelievable how Kahlil could see the truth in mankind that lay disguised by masks of other impressions. What most say and do is so very different than most live and, it becomes such a "way of life" that we can't even see who and what we really are. Enemies to ourselves, greedy without realization, hypocrites in so many ways...we will deny it and because we may not really see it, but true and honest examination demands admitting it if, for once, we are totally honest.
Comment on My Countrymen - by Gibran Khalil - Jan 8, 2009 9:51 AM ()
I remember my visit to Kennedy Space Center and just how much I loved it and awed at some of the things I saw there, including some of the things in progress. It's an exciting place to visit and I hope to return someday.

I love the ice halo pic and the whole subject of ice halos....certainly pretty and amazing to see, but just darn pretty amazing!

A lot of info here, all worth taking in.
Comment on Black Holes and More Space News 1/07/09 - Jan 8, 2009 7:29 AM ()
Unimportant chitchat? Sometimes things are less important, but not unimportant because there obviously must be a reason for the subject of the chitchat to begin with. I'm glad you are back and able to be here more regularly even if, like so many others, it's close to impossible to read every single post made. We know you're there and we enjoy when we hear from you, just like we like to communicate with you when we get a chance. Hey, guys go through moods, too...and sometimes the moods can be more emotional than others, even if the way a person reacts and behaves differs. Life's experiences, sometimes triggered by age or the changing of a year or holidays, etc. can bring these emotions out even more. Maybe you don't like being so emotional and sensitive, but I like knowing I have a friend who admits to his feelings, expresses his emotions, and can be sensitive. I, though, would love to see more smiles, hear more laughs, and know that you are feeling good, too. So, it's ok to let those feelings out, but try to work through them, too, so they don't drag you too far down. What might help is to engage in some idle, general, small- talk chitchat once in awhile with Bruno and others instead of just more personal's the subject matter of many conversations that can set the mood for the rest of the time and things we do.
Comment on Just Some Unimportant Chit Chat - Jan 8, 2009 7:21 AM ()
Yaaaayyyy! Thank you!
Comment on Things Are Looking Up - Jan 7, 2009 9:01 PM ()
We use an expression known as "a safety valve". We tend to keep things to ourselves or just share some things and keep other things safely inside because we feel we are vulnerable and weak sometimes, that others may not understand our thoughts or feelings, or some things are our own things to live with and not for others to have to know. Where we'll express so many things about so many other things, we'll lock up some things and not let them out at all or very little. But, when the time is right, when something is impossible to live with alone any further, or when it just feels safe, we suddenly find that we can let those things out. It's a built-in safety valve...not letting anything out, like holding in the air in a tire...but, when there's too much pressure or when someone (or something) touches that tire just right so that some air leaks out, the safety valve opens/releases to ease and balance everything. Once the unwanted, un-needed, excess is released (shared), everything feels balanced and better. Some people have tighter safety valves than others, that's why some express and share so easily and others do not. Well, you and Bruno feel so safe with your friendship that the tires get touched just right to let out some of what doesn't have to be held in. It's safe to open up that safety valve with each other. I am so happy that you each have a friend in each other as special as that.
Comment on Weird Day - Jan 7, 2009 3:18 PM ()
Fantastic! I'd love to see it, even if I had to bundle up like never before, but seeing the pics is the next best thing!
Comment on Sliced and Diced--but Still Ice! - Jan 7, 2009 11:29 AM ()

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