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Life & Events > Weird Day

Weird Day

Today is really a weird day. You might have read Bruno's post today about the death of his sister 2 years ago. Last days, I know this day was coming, it already kept me busy a bit. I wasnt able to write about it earlier, because I didn't know if Bruno would appreciate it when I would write about it.
Last night I talked a long time with Bruno about all what had happened and about dealing with these kind of things. Like me, Bruno wants to keep his problems for himself. I know, my own experience, that that is possible for a long time. But, one day, you cant keep it to yourself anymore. In my opinion, never thought it is me who would say that, you must try to share your problems with the ones you care about. Sounds easy, but for me that, till now, that is not possible as well. Specially with introvert people this is an issue what can make life difficult.
Because I act similar as Bruno I can feel so well how he have to deal with his things.
Thx to the anonymity of internet perhaps, Bruno and I were able to talk very deep and serious last night. To me it felt good we did it and I think for Bruno it relieved a bit as well.
Without mentioning the issues we discussed I can tell that opening your mind so deep to someone else a lot of emotions come up. Why cant I, or cant we, do that to the ones we care. I am quite a softy in these things and sometimes I want I could be stronger then I am emotionally. Sometimes I feel ashamed showing too much emotion but rationally I know that its good to show them. A good cry relieves more then keeping things between the ears.


posted on Jan 7, 2009 2:57 AM ()


We use an expression known as "a safety valve". We tend to keep things to ourselves or just share some things and keep other things safely inside because we feel we are vulnerable and weak sometimes, that others may not understand our thoughts or feelings, or some things are our own things to live with and not for others to have to know. Where we'll express so many things about so many other things, we'll lock up some things and not let them out at all or very little. But, when the time is right, when something is impossible to live with alone any further, or when it just feels safe, we suddenly find that we can let those things out. It's a built-in safety valve...not letting anything out, like holding in the air in a tire...but, when there's too much pressure or when someone (or something) touches that tire just right so that some air leaks out, the safety valve opens/releases to ease and balance everything. Once the unwanted, un-needed, excess is released (shared), everything feels balanced and better. Some people have tighter safety valves than others, that's why some express and share so easily and others do not. Well, you and Bruno feel so safe with your friendship that the tires get touched just right to let out some of what doesn't have to be held in. It's safe to open up that safety valve with each other. I am so happy that you each have a friend in each other as special as that.
comment by donnamarie on Jan 7, 2009 3:18 PM ()
You are so right about the importance of finding a release for those emotions. Sometimes, it is just having someone special to do that with. Other times, it can be done through writing and journaling. I am glad that you and Bruno can be there for each other.
comment by lunarhunk on Jan 7, 2009 9:34 AM ()
thanks for posting this, you are being more than a friend all this time trying to help me, and you can be sure you did help. i know you will be there when i need a shoulder, thanks for giving me your hand when i needed, ur special
comment by timewaster on Jan 7, 2009 8:16 AM ()
This is true. You are good for him.
comment by stiva on Jan 7, 2009 7:12 AM ()
I, too, use to keep things 'in'--I learned it is better, and healthier, to let the emotions out and it gets easier to do the more you do it.
comment by greatmartin on Jan 7, 2009 6:07 AM ()
Sounds great.Glad that you came forth with him.
Yes,it is good to show your emotion.Makes you feel good inside.
Good rap with Bruno.
comment by fredo on Jan 7, 2009 5:01 AM ()

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