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Life & Events > Just Some Unimportant Chit Chat

Just Some Unimportant Chit Chat

I was thinking about last weeks. Since December 19 till January 4, I almost didn't visit MyBloggers/blogster at all. Just because I had no possibility to do it or because I was too busy.
I must admit I missed it. It says enough about how you get used to read blogs of people you never met in person. These sites are special to me because there are so many posts about so many subjects. From politics to art, from books to pictures, from religion to sex. I like them all (of the ones on my friends list), but must admit I like the personal ones the most.
I read posts now since almost 3 years and it gave me many e-friends.
Some friends left already for several reason and I still feel it a pity they aren't posting anymore. I always try to keep in contact with them but also realize its difficult to keep the contacts well. The ones who left also need to want keeping up the contacts.
I still feel it a pity Matt and Peter (Clovis) left. Also Chris stopped writing. They always posted beautiful blogs.
It also feels good there are new bloggers, with new points of view.
"the other site" is doing better and better I must admit and I started copying my post to there as well again. Much faster it is right now. I noticed some of the bloggers here start posting there more and more. It feels good I don't notice much anymore about the fights and calling names-posts over there.

I also must admit that life becomes more busy and busy. Time to read all posts and time to post myself becomes lesser and lesser, cause of all the other things we want to do. I feel sorry about the fact I missed a lot of posts in the weeks I wasnt here. Time to read all missed posts isn't available so whenever it is possible here I will try to read those missed ones.
With some of my friends here I chat now and then. That is something I haven't done for a lot of weeks as well, apart from Bruno to whom I chat daily. Things are coming back to normal again here in my house so I hope I can continue the chatting as well again.

Something is bothering a bit. I don't know if its age or something like that, but I feel so emotional lately. There were issues which made me feel emotional last days but I could explain that very well to myself and it was normal to be emotional.
I always have been a "soft" one, but always was able to keep my eyes dry.
Since the death of my father, 7 years ago, it all changed a bit.
More and more with special things on TV I feel so silly I cant keep my eyes dry.
When I read a book last year I also wasnt able to keep on reading. With films I can a bit understand it but reading "fiction" and getting emotional the way I was kept me thinking.

posted on Jan 8, 2009 2:47 AM ()


I cry at Micky Mouse!!!! Odd but I cry very easily reading books, seeing movies, watching TV, etc., but cry very little in/about real life situations where/when I am involved!!! Seems I always had to be the 'strong one'.
I keep in touch with Clovis and Chris but miss a few who have 'disappeared'.
comment by greatmartin on Jan 8, 2009 4:55 PM ()
All chit chat are very important and this is why we are here to listen.
Hopefully to help you out there.
I mentioned this before,myself very emotion.Nothing wrong with that.
Do not want to hear that your not a man that who cries and show it.
That is a lot of bull.I am just as macho as the next guy.
same there.I feel so much better when this happen to me.
If they do not liked it,then they can suck it up.
comment by fredo on Jan 8, 2009 2:31 PM ()
We are raised in cultures where men are taught they always need to be "strong" and not let the "soft" side of our feelings show. That is starting to change, but we are still affected by that training. When we have those feelings, we are connecting with the characters in the books or movies, and there is nothing wrong with sharing their feelings with ourselves. I often get weepy-eyed when reading.
comment by lunarhunk on Jan 8, 2009 9:23 AM ()
maybe I'm not the right person to give you this kind of advice, but there is nothing wrong about showing emotions, i know that very well, because I'm the oposite and you know how i suffer because of it, there are certains things in life that can make you become more emotional and change the way you see things, when your father died it was a shock and made you more emotional and made you understand how difficult it is to lose someone you love, please never change the way you are.
comment by timewaster on Jan 8, 2009 7:21 AM ()
Unimportant chitchat? Sometimes things are less important, but not unimportant because there obviously must be a reason for the subject of the chitchat to begin with. I'm glad you are back and able to be here more regularly even if, like so many others, it's close to impossible to read every single post made. We know you're there and we enjoy when we hear from you, just like we like to communicate with you when we get a chance. Hey, guys go through moods, too...and sometimes the moods can be more emotional than others, even if the way a person reacts and behaves differs. Life's experiences, sometimes triggered by age or the changing of a year or holidays, etc. can bring these emotions out even more. Maybe you don't like being so emotional and sensitive, but I like knowing I have a friend who admits to his feelings, expresses his emotions, and can be sensitive. I, though, would love to see more smiles, hear more laughs, and know that you are feeling good, too. So, it's ok to let those feelings out, but try to work through them, too, so they don't drag you too far down. What might help is to engage in some idle, general, small- talk chitchat once in awhile with Bruno and others instead of just more personal things...it's the subject matter of many conversations that can set the mood for the rest of the time and things we do.
comment by donnamarie on Jan 8, 2009 7:21 AM ()
I used to listen to Joan when she was making her albums.

Joan Armatrading: Show Some Emotion
comment by stiva on Jan 8, 2009 7:14 AM ()
Nothing wrong with allowing your feminine side to come out from time to time. Getting emotional over a book or movie only reveals what a great guy you are. Women like to know that the men in their lives have that tender, emotional personality as well. Too man men try to keep that suppressed.
comment by redimpala on Jan 8, 2009 6:24 AM ()

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