In my country every year there is a contest for "the best word of the year". I want to explain them here. It sometimes will be difficult for you to understand cause they are in dutch but I will try to translate. The contest always is organized by the biggest dictionary here in Holland.
I only will metion the top 5 cause nr 6 till 10 together are 15%.
5 "smirten" ( 5%)
In english something like "to smirt". Since July last year its prohibited to smoke in restaurants and bars. Whem people want to smoke they need to go outside and smoke. Smirt is a combination of "to smoke" and "to flirt". So smirten mean flirting with someone while smoking outside a place where smoking is not allowed like a bar.
4 "gastroseksueel" (5%)
In english something like "gastrosexual" . It means men use their culinary-art to comfort and seduce women.
3 "bankendomino" (6%)
In english "bank-domino". I hope you all know the game "domino" Well with the economic crisis all kinds of financial constitutions fall down.. I think that explains enough.
2 "wiiën" (12%)
Probably recognized as "to wii"
Nintendo introduced a marvelous console. The product of the year i might say. Cause a lot of people use the wii, the console is made to a verb here.
1 "swaffelen" (57%)
There is no translation possible for this word, cause its not a combination of existing words I think. Lets call it in english "to swaffle" the a pronounced as in car.
Its rather weird this word is the best word of 2008 cause its a word with a sexual meaning and since its chosen as best word a lot of people use it as a joke. What a perv country here isnt it? lol
What does it mean: when men swing (sway....swaffle lol) there penis towards things to get turned on or to get someone else turned on. Originally meant is to swing your dick against the cheek of your partner (or other parts of the body lol)
SO...... keep on swaffling (i expect this word not to be sensored lol)