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This Oughta Be Good

Automotive > Playoffs Advertising - Surprised?

Playoffs Advertising - Surprised?

I know that many of you are too high-minded to admit you ever watch television, but I just have to get this said.

This weekend we watched the football playoffs, and they were for the most part very good games. I liked one of the beer commercials that said something like: How could you watch football for 9 hours this weekend? Simple! Skip the afternoon game on Sunday!"
That struck me as clever, and it only came up once or twice in the nine or so hours we watched football.

What wasn't clever was the General Motors advertisement that ended with the word "Surprised?" at the end and came up several times per hour. Here is the gist of it:

"Buick, Pontiac and GMC cars are great. They are all made by General Motors. Surprised?"

"Chevy Malibu is great. It is made by General Motors. Surprised?"

"General Motors has a new cross-over SUV. Surprised?"

What is supposed to be surprising? That Buicks, Pontiacs, GMCs and Chevys are made by General Motors? That GM makes cars? That GM came out with a new model? That GM is still in business?

I shudder to think of the demographic their advertising agency polled to find out that the perception of General Motors is that none of us knows what it is. Paris Hilton, perhaps?

One surprising thing is that GM does not advertise hybrid vehicles - maybe they don't have any good ones. But, happy day, gas prices have gone down, so GM can apparently ignore all those issues and surprise us with information we already know.

What they should be telling us is that they are a new General Motors, devoted to changing their ways so we will be happy that we are bailing them out, and will happily do it several more times in the future.

I would love it if Congress would send them this message:

We're not bailing you out. Surprised?"

posted on Jan 5, 2009 12:09 PM ()


I hate most advertisements except for Geico and the California cows.
comment by elderjane on Jan 7, 2009 4:39 AM ()
(How'd you get the print to slant italic-like?) I'm refraining from writing lengthily about commercials. But they're on my "most hated" list. The Dodge Ram ones, where "cowboys, "military", "contractors", etc.(all he-men) create havoc with their bad boy trucks, really grate on my nerves. I'm so sensitive, you know.
comment by solitaire on Jan 6, 2009 12:41 PM ()
TV ads both fascinate and disgust me. As a former copywriter, I've always been interested in advertising from a critical standpoint. What a great ad! Or, what idiot approved that stupidity? The most disturbing thing for me is when the ads go on and on forever, often the exact same ads in commercial break after commercial break. Last night I stopped watching a good movie, Heat with DeNiro and Pacino, b/c the commercial breaks were so long and so frequent.
comment by looserobes on Jan 6, 2009 8:47 AM ()
When I was in the high school, we marched and played fight songs at halftime, so I was exposed to football. I always watched the ball and didn't "get" anything else, so the game never made sense to me. Also it annoys me that 2 minutes may be left in the game, but an hour later it's still going on. Also, people piling on each other is not entertaining. I did enjoy that movie with Keanu Reeves where he is the "failed" quarterback who makes a comeback with a scab team during a strike. But that was really about people and underdogs and sech. I love underdog stories so when the New York Jets beat Miami when Joe Namath won that super bowl against (was it the Colts?) that was exciting. But, like I say, that was about people, too.
comment by tealstar on Jan 5, 2009 8:00 PM ()
I love this post because I like the point you are making. No, I'm not surprised by what GM makes, should I be? More along the lines of what you said, let them tell me something that WILL surprise me! Like, those hybrid cars, for instance...or cars clear off their own snow! Maybe GM cares so much about us that OnStar will come standard in every car at no additional cost. Those are the surprises that might help us to have a love affair with this American auto company again. If a bailout is wanted, then they should be willing to GIVE something in return... something that at least gives the impression that they are trying to change, improve, and care. And, maybe show a little appreciation. Now, that would be a surprise!
comment by donnamarie on Jan 5, 2009 12:43 PM ()
My satellite dish is broken and so haven't had tv for quite awhile. I haven't missed it that much as I've been reading or listening to audio books. I'm hooked on the latter. JR went in Friday to get a dish, but the satellite place was closed. Everything was closed on Friday. What a wasted trip. So, he is in town today doing what he failed to do on Friday. I did miss not seeing football.
comment by anniel on Jan 5, 2009 12:12 PM ()

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