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This Oughta Be Good

Sports & Recreation > Beer Pong

Beer Pong

This was last week. Do you wonder how carpeted floors could be considered cleaner than uncarpeted?

"The World Series of Beer Pong started Thursday at the Flamingo. It's too late to register to compete, but you can pay $20 a day, or $50 for three days, to see tonight's and Saturday's prelims, and Sunday's finals.

If you don't know beer pong: Dudes toss pingpong balls across an 8-foot table to try to get them into cups. If a ball goes in a guy's cup, he drinks Pabst Blue Ribbon. Players can opt to drink water, which dilutes the purpose, if you ask me.

"You don't have to drink any beer at all if you don't want to," says last year's co-winner, Jeremy Hughes. "You might catch some criticism. But you might also win $50,000."

Yep, the winning team, among 400 or so, pockets $50,000 for tossing a pingpong ball into a cup.

Balls are rinsed in water to keep clean, says Billy Gaines, co-founder of the Series and

"Some people are concerned about germs. I've never really thought about it or cared about it too much," he says but adds, "The casino is extremely clean. It's not a dirty bar floor. There are carpeted floors this year."

My question: Why hasn't the series branched into Wine Pong or Jäger Pong? Gaines says the series focuses not on booze but on the competition of "the sport." The "sport" of beer pong? Well, ESPN did cover it last year.

Hughes and co-winner Michael Orr (their team site is say Jäger Pong would destroy them.

"You'd probably throw up after a game or two," Orr says.

You're correct if you think this is a guy's contest.

"Surprisingly around the pong scene," Hughes snarks, "there's not too many women."

- From the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

posted on Jan 6, 2009 3:41 PM ()


As if there's not enough entertainment in Vegas.
comment by solitaire on Jan 9, 2009 6:47 AM ()
Why Pabst Blue Ribbon? Not exactly the most well-reputed beer... Perhaps that's the idea...
comment by looserobes on Jan 7, 2009 7:57 AM ()
Guys do strange things.
comment by elderjane on Jan 7, 2009 4:43 AM ()
Yep, a guy sport. But I think all drinking-eating contests are insane. Why do that to yourself?
comment by tealstar on Jan 6, 2009 8:32 PM ()
Do it with Scotch and I'll sign-up.
comment by jondude on Jan 6, 2009 6:40 PM ()
I guess, in spite of it's name, they're not supposed to be promoting drinking beer or anything intoxicating. I think they should stick to the name, though, and require the beer drinking (that's when the real challenge comes in) and then have a "dry" version for those who choose not to drink, but still keep it a, drinking shots of hot sauce or real sour lemon juice...something that might start ""getting" to the players.

A sport? Nah, I wouldn't go so far as to call Beer Pong a sport, but I used to play a similar game called "Quarters"...pitching quarters into shot glasses, get a quarter in and somebody has to drink the shot of vodka in it.
comment by donnamarie on Jan 6, 2009 5:56 PM ()

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