Last night on PBS I watched a show called "The Story of India." This was the first part about what was going on there in 200 BCE. Did you know that time is no longer referred to as Before Christ and After Divinity? Now it's Before Common Error and Common Era. I saw that in a novel last week, and here it was again last night.
I had no idea about the ancient history of India, but found out the Greeks and Romans discovered the monsoon winds would blow their ships to India and back so they went there to trade gold, silver, antimony, and other metals for spices and silk. Later the Silk Road trade with China started by way of the mountain passes through Pakistan and Afghanistan. This program was filmed 12 years ago, and since then the Taliban has destroyed what ancient statues were left in the temples. That kind of thing has been going on for centuries, but I was glad that someone went and filmed them one last time.
This struck me funny today: