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Life As I See It

Life & Events > Life is Good

Life is Good

I don't subscribe to the idea that "next year will be better". For me, every year is filled to overflowing with.....LIFE! That means the good and the bad; prosperity and want; health and sickness; Happy and sad; light and dark; birth and death; celebration and mourning; work and play. And the list goes on.

I will try to find the story I have read before about life being like a set of railroad tracks. Basic premise is that life is like a set of railroad tracks. One track is the good things, the high points. The other track is the bad things, the low points. We travel through our lives shifting back and forth between the two tracks, and even sometimes running with a foot on each rail....good and bad things happening at the same time.

2011 was such a was 2010, and 2009, and, and, and. 2012 is shaping up to fall right into the same it should be. The highlights of 2011: the birth of my first blood grandchild...Ryan Allen Bortz on August 8th. This was followed by the marriage of Ryan's mommy (my daughter) and daddy on November 25th.

2012 is shaping up to follow in the footsteps of 2011: my son proposed to his girlfriend in February. They plan to get married in September. Now we have news that they are expecting a baby sometime around Christmas. Everyone is so excited! I am so happy and excited for them too!

Will 2012 have it's dark times? Absolutely! Just like every year does. I just choose to focus my time and attention on the bright spots in life. I am truly blessed. I have the most wonderful man to share my life with. We have 3 beautiful children between us. Grandchildren bless our lives as well. My health is good, I have a job and am able to work. I have wonderful family and friends to share all the ups and downs. The bottom line: LIFE IS GOOD!

posted on May 3, 2012 3:11 AM ()


No problem there.You are lucky than most.Good luck and enjoy life.I know I am.
comment by fredo on May 3, 2012 9:45 AM ()
Don't know that I'd say I'm luckier than most.....I believe a lot of it has to do with the way we view life and the things that happen. We can't control what happens in our lives, but we can control how we react to each event. I guess you'd say I'm definitely a "glass half full" kind of gal! Or maybe "the eternal optimist" is an equally good fit! Glad you're enjoying life too!
reply by dakmom on May 3, 2012 11:43 AM ()

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