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Life As I See It

Life & Events > Flooding - Wow!

Flooding - Wow!

If you've been watching the news at all, on just about any channel, you're hearing about the severe, record-breaking flooding going on in Cedar Rapids Iowa. That's basically my hometown. I grew up in Mt. Vernon, which is just 12 miles east of Cedar Rapids. The floods of '93 were really something and from what I'm hearing, this flood is passing that mark by leaps and bounds. People are saying that the flood of 93 was nothing compared to this one.

I took my son up there to work for a couple weeks - remember I flew him up here so he could do that - well he has hardly been able to work. They have so much they can do, but no roads to get to the job sites. He is so frustrated. He needs the money he was hoping to make, so badly. I hope this next week will let the flood waters recede enough so he can do some work.

I dropped him off on Sunday, then drove to where the Slick One was working. We got up Monday morning, and they were rained/mudded out, so we got to come home. Got here Monday night. That makes for extra days here at our home together. We're lovin' every minute of it. He'll have to leave on Sunday to go back up there....but first we'll have to check the Iowa road closings so he can find a safe route to get there.

So far, we aren't experiencing any severe flooding here in Missouri where we live. The people on the east side of the state better be getting ready, because all that water in Cedar Rapids will be heading toward them. Also, the river that runs through Iowa City - 20 miles south of Cedar Rapids, will be cresting on much water headed south. And it seems that the rain just keeps on coming.

Slick and I will enjoy a couple more days together, then he'll be back north. I sure hate having him gone and really look forward to when we can get a travel trailer and I can just go with him all the time. Patience....I must have patience!!

Hope all is well in all of your worlds.

posted on June 13, 2008 9:26 AM ()


You be careful there and enjoy the time with your loved ones.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 18, 2008 9:29 AM ()
that flooding is certainly pretty intense!
comment by kristilyn3 on June 17, 2008 8:03 AM ()

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