Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Pissed Off

Pissed Off

Alright, I am in "pissed off mode"! Not that mild chit, the super duper chit. The only reason I am writing, is to keep me "cool" for a few.

I am very "mild", but very direct also. I have no problem looking anyone in the eye, saying what I think. But also, my internal goal is to keep all "cool". No matter who I am talking too.

Roxann's son "Jeremy" mainly, has been pushing the envelope. I catch him in lies, I see what he does. He is 13, and doing everything he can behind our backs.

Now here is the issue. Roxann has caught him in alot. I have caught him in far more then she has. It's true. The problem is, we know he does stuff. I want him to know "I know" so he stops, she does too.. but doesn't back me. I buy him stuff, set up games, I do alot. But he NEEDS to respect me! I am not getting that help from Roxi. She tends to believe him over me. Or, maybe not. Maybe.. she just wants to be so much into her son, thats all that matters.

I threatened to leave today. I am super serious, if Jeremy cannot come to a point he doesn't lie, and listen. I am GONE. If Roxann cannot come to a point she "believes" me when I say what happened "I am GONE".

I feel I've always been good hearted. I also KNOW I've never lived a life of control. Nobody will control me, ever!! I am not controlled, but I understand respect. Listen to the "elders", all that. Right now Jeremy isn't.

To me, her son could get away with "murder" right now. She may complain a tad, lol.. thats it. She may hate me right now, but damn sure I mean what I say.

So what am "I" about? I am about "Freedom" with respect. You use freedom to be yourself, and respect others. If in someones house, you wipe your feet, or take off shoes. That's respect.

All I care is that Jeremy listens to me. He does the same to his mom.. just if I say something I am the bad dude. Fuck that chit. He will start listening, or I am gone. I will sort "legal" stuff later. Yes, Roxann will read this post later. I sure hope she knows I am serious! I love her, I love Jeremy. But damn sure I know some things need to be sorted fast!

When you read this Roxi... know I am serious! Have I ever been anything different????


posted on Aug 21, 2008 9:37 PM ()


Gary you have to let his mother do the disciplining. Step parents have it rough...just support his mother in her decisions but don't try to make any for him.
comment by elderjane on Aug 25, 2008 2:25 PM ()
Clear communication is the key to resolving this. You have to work things out.
comment by shesaidwhat on Aug 23, 2008 3:56 AM ()
I agree with redwolftimes--'But I see some things haven't changed, you get pissed because you're not getting your way so you threaten to leave.' and I was really hoping you had grown up some since you stopped blogging.
comment by greatmartin on Aug 22, 2008 8:47 AM ()
That's a tough situation Gary... I wish you the best!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 22, 2008 6:56 AM ()
First off Gary he isn't your kid so right there you don't rate as someone who is in the "chain of command", and no amount of yelling or threatining is going to change that. Next the kid is 13 years old, you think back when you were 13..I can bet you were no angel either. Also look at the situation you are coming into..from his point of view, he probably hasn't had to share his mom with anyone. He's a teenager and he is probably angry and confused, so it's in his nature to want to rebel. Then to top it off your going to demand respect?? Respect is a two way street, if you want it you've got to earn it. Just because your an "elder" isn't a lock that your going to get respect. But I see some things haven't changed, you get pissed because you're not getting your way so you threaten to leave. Well one day Rocki will call your silly ass bluff and then you'll be back living in a ditch. Anyway good luck
comment by redwolftimes on Aug 22, 2008 6:28 AM ()
Hey Gar, I'm newly into the being a step parent as well and it's definitely difficult and we walk thin lines as a role model and parental figure and yet still not the "parent". I know you and Rocki will communicate and figure this out and this is key bro
comment by firststarisee on Aug 22, 2008 6:02 AM ()
comment by lynnie on Aug 22, 2008 5:42 AM ()
Gary, it is very hard to find that balance in a blended family. Believe me I know. Hubby had two little kids when we started dating. And let me tell you, there was alot of butting heads in the beginning. His daughter was very manipulative and in his eyes she could do no wrong. You need to work through this with Roxann. It is very hard for kids to have another authority figure in the house, they get resentful over that. have a talk with Jeremy and let him know you are not the enemy.
comment by elkhound on Aug 22, 2008 5:10 AM ()
All I asked was for you to give me specifics about what Jeremy did or didn't do. You have not given me anything so I cannot "take sides". When you start yelling at him and you cannot give me one reason as to why ... yes it will seem that I support him... but I do support you as well. I need facts so I know what to discipline him on. You gave me nothing. I have asked on two separate occasions... and still nothing. I told you how I feel... I love you ... but if you want to leave ... that is your choice. I am not going to control you or anything. You just need to give me facts.
comment by rocki8281971 on Aug 21, 2008 10:10 PM ()

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