Actually, Jeremy and I get along pretty well mostly. I've know him since he was a little kid. Before we got together, Roxann used to babysit my kids when I was single doing shows. So they were over to my place quite often actually. I used to take them to the pool, park, ect..
My personality is pretty "calm" mostly too. Just when I blow, I do it bigtime. I never hit or anything, but believe me when I'm really mad everyone will know it.. lol. I'm just tired of telling them the same things hundreds of times, and still not getting through. They are better at some things. Some things, I see them getting worse. It's mostly the lies that make me mad. Especially when I know the truth.
Yesterday they finally admitted to watching my porn DVD's. I don't have many (4 here), but I knew they have been moved. Basically, I knew what one I watched last which was on top. They were put away, and just don't move by themselves. I've asked the kids before about it, always a denial. Soon they started blaming eachother. Then finally, the truth came out. Both watched, as well as their younger friend. This, I wasn't even mad about. It's just the pattern of lies that I have been seeing on alot of things I want to change.
I keep my airsoft guns locked in my van. I always keep my keys in the same exact place. Now this is one of those things where I don't have "PROOF". So get this, Jeremy loves airsoft guns. He's always begging for them. He doesn't have one, because when I've let him use mine, he would shoot people or things he shouldn't. One day, I went to get my keys, and they were missing. I looked all over for them. Couldn't find them. I said somebody had to have taken them. Nope nobody did, but suddenly Jeremy finds them. He claims there were right where I keep them, but somehow must have got shoved between the books. I know that's a lie, because I looked there. Not right away, but shortly after I notice some of my airsoft guns were broken. Guns I haven't touched that were in a locked van. Now, I have no "proof" Jeremy got in the van and broke the guns. Nor do I have "proof" someone didn't break in to my van (The door handle was broke off), take my guns.. break them,, and put them back. But things lead to Jeremy to me. My guess, he tried to get into the van. Realized it was locked. He pulled too hard on the door handle and it broke. (He said some neighbor kid did that) I believe he then went and got my keys. Used the guns. I know how rough he plays, they got broke. He put them back hoping I wouldn't notice. But forgot he didn't put the keys back.
As a parent, I don't believe I have to give proof to anyone. Roxann should respect my judgement. I wouldn't go on accusing anyone unless the majority of the facts point to them.
About the door handle, I questioned all the kids that hang around Jeremy. None seemed guilty, and for that matter why would they try to get into a van.. in the open.. when they didn't know what was in there? Now these are some of the things I am talking about. I could say many more, but I won't. I don't really need to justify my "parenting" actions when I know I am right.
The only other thing I am upset about, is cleaning up after themselves. If they get something out, it stays out. If they eat, they leave the plate. They've always been that way, so I know this will take time, but I plan on breaking those habits. As it is, I tell them every single time. I am no clean freek, but I at least want things picked up a little. Heck, we have a baby.. he needs a clean safe environment. They are getting better, but it still takes constant reminders for them to put things away. I don't get mad, I just remind. Lies are a different thing to me.
Ok, I'm done with this subject. That's just my side of things.