Today will be a packing day for me. No I'm not leaving, just packing for the mall show this weekend. Plus we are leaving for South Dakota on Monday, so probably need to pack for that too. I wasn't gonna do a show this weekend, but Danny called and wanted me there. I decided a few hundred extra in my pocket would be good for our trip. The only thing is I am really low on stock. I always have at least a few thousand in stock.. but really it needs to be double to make a good impression. It's just been hard keeping up stock, as I am usually watching Sebastian.
I called Gabriella last night, to see what tropical storm "Faye" is doing there. She lives in St. Augustine. My dad is in Jacksonville (where I used to live). As of last night, she said it wasn't too bad. I hear however it has since moved more their way.
I know how nasty they can be. When I lived in Florida, I went thru 5 of them. Trees down all over, flooding, power loss, all that. Maybe I'll call dad later to see how their doing.
Not sure how long we will being staying in South Dakota. I do know we have a wedding that we're in. It's Dawn (Butterfly from blogster) and a guy named Lloyd. Last time we went to visit, it was her first meeting with him. She had us go with her because she was a bit nervous. Now, they have twins, and are getting married. Funny how things change.
Looks like Roxann will have to get the rest of the stuff moved to the house herself. She's been doing all the little stuff herself anyway, while I take care of the baby. I hope she gets some garden stuff like we planned. I planted a big garden this year. I'd like so save some of the plants if possible. At least a few tomato plants, maybe some green pepper and squash. If she does, she does, if she don't she don't.
Ok, thats all for now.
Take care,