I just had to call "911" for Sebastian. I was putting some chicken in the oven. We have a gate up, so he can't go to the kitchen.
I heard him choking.. and ran and grabbed him. His face was all red, and he was spitting up alot.. barely breathing. I put him on his back, and patted it but wasn't helping. So I got on the phone, and called 911.
Two police (City and county) and two paramedics showed up. He was checked out, and they decided he didn't need to go to the hospital. He was breathing by the time they got here.
They think it was "formula" he was choking on (as they didn't hear anything in his lungs). The floors are pretty clean.. but the cat is here (hence.. little fur balls) and leaves seem to get tracked in from outside. He could have put something like that in his mouth.
I tell ya,, I was "shaking" like a leaf the whole time they was here (still am somewhat now).
Anyway.. glad that's over. Take care all... Gary
The other 1%, well you can only hope it's digestible.