I guess it's time to "completely" re-make my website (The cut coins site).
I really have "other" things I want to do.. but I'm gonna need like "3 weeks", to have a complete new site up. I'll still be cutting coins (and such).. still write my programs (that I love to do), but I know I need a new website.
Today (this is how this started), I got an email from a customer. They didn't get an order I sent. It was only $10.. but that caused me problems with "Paypal" (they complained). They emailed me.. but used the "payment buttons", not the "contact buttons". They couldn't reach me, so complained.
Here is "my problem". My site is huge. I have moved recently (a few times even), and my site is so big. A simple thing like changing the code on 400+ paypal buttons can be a massive thing. Paypal allows you to be paid to "any" email that was registered previous. So therefore, my "Coincutter@aol.com, or Coincutter@earthlink.net" (accounts I had before, but not now) can accept payments.. but no email because I no longer subscribe to them. (I know this is kinda hard to understand.. bear with me.. Basically, I have it "stated very bold" on my site... where to pay, and where to "contact".. but people get impatient.. and email the first "email" they see.. (without reading). It was clear to most (for the past few years, but not to some).
Now.. I swore off "credit cards. I closed my accounts when I left Florida. But to update my e-mail, get a new "paypal" debit card, or even change my "primary address/email" to where I am now, I need a bank credit card to do so. So I haven't.
Today.. I found a bank that will give me a "debit card" (my credit kinda sucks after my divorce and some health issues). I can now sort all this out, that I needed for a very long time. I need it mainly to "verify" my address on stuff.. a pain in the ass... but need to do it.
So my current cut coins site is like 400+ pages. Ok.. I have the card approved.. (coming) so I can make whatever changes to my account there I need. Plus get a "Paypal debit (Visa) back. Altering my site would take FAR longer then creating a complete new site. Your talking 400 pages.. with some pages that would need 30+ lines of code altered. Besides that, when I created the site.. 800 x 600 pixels was the standard. I made it to accept that (which was high resolution then), and lower resolutions. In other words.. It looked good in 800 x 600 or less. But nothing higher (remember I began this years ago). Now the screen will "adjust" to the resolutions most use.. but not look that great.
So here is the key to me. I need to "scrap the old site". Changing all that code, would take more time then starting new. The old will "stay up" (till I'm done), and suddenly be replaced my the NEW. Which I am in the process of creating.
I am "NOT" concentrating on graphics this time. Trust me, anything I make will look good, but the goal for a "website" is more "FUNCTIONAL" then graphical. I am making this new one, to be cool looking for any resolution, or colors that come up. Another thing, I have to make it so "prices", things on the financial end can be changed quick when needed.
I already have a ton of good graphics made. I'll probably use alot I have.. during the design. I can copy and paste alot (text and graphics).. so development shouldn't take too long (full code will take longer). I need to make this "priority".. I'd say.. the new site will be up within the next 2 weeks. Functional, nice.. and I will keep adding content. I like the main page so far.. that's mostly done. Then I'll add others.
This is for "Lynette" on here: I know your going to school for this kinda thing. I hope you listen to some of the things I say. May come in handy. My website was very good, for many years. The problem.. is once a site gets real "big", it is extremely difficult to maintain. Thats probably the biggest lesson I ever learned. I made many big sites, they looked so cool.. but I found myself taking out "content" constant to maintain the thing. What you "need to do" is think ahead on any site. Small sites can look better, big ones.. limit a little. It's a design thing you need to think about. Balance.. make all look good.. but don't go overboard with links and such that will screw ya later. Again, hard to explain. You'll find out once you make your first "big" website.
Ok.. I'm out for now. Working on my new site, till I go to sleep. Nothing about websites is hard for me.. just takes time. A computer program is a "big" different deal... I'll clue you all in (about those) from time to time...
Gary :)