Must have been an "old" Bioutch.. I mean, I can't see any other reason..
We went to the store... I needed some "beer" after this "craft/yard show" thing,,,
The store clerk looked at me.. "beady eyes, threw 1 inch glasses"... Anyway,, she said "I NEED to see your ID".., or (after she looked) tell me your "birthdate"..
I said (without a flinch of course),, "12/09/1956".. She typed it in, rang me up... we was on our way..
I think to myself after... I was born in 1966 (not 1956). I said ten years older as a joke, wanted to see what she would say. Nope, no comment.. she "accepted" I was like 51.. (I am 41)..
Gawd Damn.. "OLD PEEPS" should NOT be allowed to work at "Walmart, Kroger, Save alot, or any other of these nice stores we bloggers frequent.
If they ID ya,, and your just over "21",, you will get offended. If they ID ya, and your 41+, you will get offended because they did...
I know "Walmart" and such has a "hire anyone" policy,,, but I feel a "training program" could be good,,,,
Just another thought of mine.. and I am certainly not against these stores.. I go there all the time .. :)