Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Mall Show Politics

Mall Show Politics

Mall show politics.. lol..

Sometimes it cracks me up. Danny and Jim been "disputing" over money and chit. Both are big mall promoters.

Here they were, sharing a "Huge" booth in the center of many malls, plus having other vendors come in..

Now.. this is ONE POST I would never write, unless I felt confident neither will read. Jim is not a member of "MyBloggers", Danny needs me to hook up his computer,, lol. I keep planning it.. but usually we are too buzzed time we get to his place (I stay with Danny when I do shows closer to him).

Anyway.. Neither wants the other to know. Danny has "Meridian Mall (in Lansing)" this weekend, Jim has "Midland mall (North, in Midland Michigan).. Both would kick my ass if they seen this..

So both have called me asking me to come in. Neither knows the other has a show going. What they are doing is.. basically paying full mall price, rather then splitting it. All because they are disputing money.. lol. You have no idea how stupid this sounds to me. Now they really want me in, because that's something off their rent.. (Plus, I have a small booth, and mine is a big draw of people)

I can play "politics too".. lol. Danny will give me a spot at 1/4 rent the mall used to charge me.

Jim said he is "willing to work" with me on rent. Plus I can go in all 3 days, or just 1, or whatever...

Guess what.. my yard sale been picking up... I've been getting the exposure. People been stopping and many coming back (they say).. I may just "stay here", blow off the malls this week. It really shows the "state of the economy". Here I basically have 2 mall promoters begging me to come in.. center court (in huge malls), for less then half price.. and I would rather do a yard sale.. lol. Those same malls.. back when "Clinton was in office",, you had to sign up for in "February to get a spot in October".. plus the rent was way higher, and getting a prime location wasn't easy.

If your wondering what the economy "really is" in retail sales.. I can tell you. I know gobs of mall promoters and store owners. I can say for a fact. Many malls have made rent "greatly" reduced this past year alone. Too many stores going out. Hell even McDonalds and Starbucks have pulled out of most malls here.

It's gonna be this way till the election is over. Will change then. It's not that Obama will be "super" better, he won't (but he will be better). The mind of the people (thinking change) will make them more confident. They will feel more at ease to "spend" again..

Been through these "up's and downs" a very long time. Gotta ride out the "waves" ya know.. lol.

Take care all,
Gary :)

posted on Oct 15, 2008 11:25 AM ()


Don't you feel like a wishbone?
comment by draco on Oct 15, 2008 2:13 PM ()

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