Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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Life & Events > Crappy Yard Sale (So Far)

Crappy Yard Sale (So Far)

My yard sale isn't going "as good" as I hoped. I honestly think it could be alot better. It's in a "great location" (across from a middle school).. cars and such drive by most every minute.. I watch their "heads", all turn to see what's out.

Personally (myself) I do have a decent amount out. I have my mall displays, I have alot of tools, video games, and other stuff. The problem is, most everything I have is "Small".. decent stuff, but you can't really see what it is from the road. My stuff (on it's own basically) has no "draw factor".. till they see it all up close. Then (once they are actually there to see).. find it all "cool"..

I need MORE stuff in the yard to make people "actually" stop their cars, and browse around. I am certain they will see kewl stuff (once here).. but I need more content.

I have a TON of cool chit in storage. I need to bring it here anyway.. I'd like (before this is over) get some of that. But "moreso", I'd like people (neighbors, friends, whatever) to bring stuff to our yard. We need it "Bigger" to get people to stop.. I keep saying that.

Ok.. as I was writing this, someone stopped and bought 4 books. She had kids in the car (not hers, was transporting from school). They wanted stuff.. so they heading home to ask their mom. I HONESTLY think.. if we can get a "decent amount" out in the next few days, we will sell well. Personal problem for me.. most all my stuff is in storage. I have most everything out I "feel" I can sell that's here. I need Roxi, her kids, friends.. and maybe some I know to add more content. Content.. to basically "bring them in".. that is always the goal.

Anyway... we'll be here awhile, and it is getting bigger.. I'll let ya know at the "end" how it really did"..

Later, Gary :)

posted on Oct 14, 2008 1:40 PM ()


In keeping with the Halloween theme maybe if you dressed up you could at least to get them to stop & look, after you get them to stop then maybe you could sell them sommething.
comment by redwolftimes on Oct 14, 2008 3:00 PM ()
Best of luck. At least over here on the Oregon Coast it's hard to sell in a yard/garage sale in the fall. They usually flock around spring/summer. We do need a permit to have yard/garage sales here(permits are free and you are allowed two per year.) Dress Sebastian up like a mascot and hold him up waiving at the cars. That'll get their attention.
comment by draco on Oct 14, 2008 2:37 PM ()
Good luck!
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 14, 2008 1:48 PM ()

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