Last evening I watched the Greta Van Sustern show. She went to Thailand where she interviewed Juron Van Der Sloot who told her this incredible story about how he sold Natalie Holloway to some man from Venzuela. In the interview, Van Der Sloot outed his father for paying off the Aruban police and who knows who else. He also claimed that his friends, the Calpo brothers (spelling?) also were aware of the plan. And the story went on and on and on.
Later, he called Greta Van Sustren and recanted on the whole story. Soooo... why did he ask Greta to come to Thailand to hear this tale in the first place and why the big lie? Or was this latest version of what took place the truth and then someone scared him off from sticking to it? Or.... is Juron just a real sicko who thrives on being in the news???
I doubt if we ever know the truth, but being a Christian, I'm counting on the "Judgement Day" in this case. Hopefully, God can sort it all out and those who are guilty will pay.
I just am sooooo disgusted with the Aruban authorities and their corruption!!!! This case has been unbelievably sad.
Annie :o(