A Cowboy's Thanksgiving Prayer
By Steve Lucas
Dear Lord,
This last year was rough on us cowboys
With calf prices bein' low.
And the drought, and the snow last winter
Didn't leave a lot to show
For a lot of really hard workin'.
There were times, I confess,
That I lay awake nights and wondered:
Lord, how do I get out of this mess.
But I turned it all over to you, Lord.
Put my trust in your capable hands.
And I thank you that you let us keep on
Makin' a living off of your lands.
I thank you for every morning
when the sun rose over the trees,
and spread light over the meadows.
And thanks for that cool summer breeze
That cooled sweatin' backs in the hay fields.
And thanks for new friends I made,
for the joy of seein' baby calves
curled up, asleep in the shade.
Thanks for these good friends and neighbors
and the love and the help that they give.
And I thank you Lord for these old cows
and the cowboy life they let me live.
And thank you Lord for my family,
my little girl and my wife.
And for the chance we have to raise a child
to live the kind of life
That most folks only dream of,
spending days outside,
Feedin', checkin', and sortin', and looking
where old cows hide.
So, Lord, on Thanksgiving,
as we take a break from our chores,
We thank you for this year's blessings,
and for what you have in store.