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American Graffiti Forever

Life & Events > Frosty Mornin'

Frosty Mornin'

I googled this picture because I thought it was rather "quaint." It is very frosty here this morning, but not quite this frosty. Let's just say, I wouldn't go outside without my long handled undies. lol

I like things that are "quaint." I really can't describe them to you, I just know them when I see them. Like an old farm wagon or an old western town with narrow streets. Restaurants can be "quaint", too, only if they have that certain warmth and charm.

Speaking of warmth, I have a fire going this morning in my little stove. It has a certain charm about it as the embers glow and the flames dance along the log in a kind of lazy rhythm. It is relaxing. But, I better not get too relaxed as I have a list of items I want to accomplish today.

Also, I hired a housekeeper. Now, I'm not sure if I am going to adjust to this woman. She came on Tuesday and seemed to do a pretty good job of cleaning, but she is definitely not my type of person. I need to feel comfortable around my housekeeper and so far.... nope. But, I will give her a good chance as there just isn't much help to be hired out here in the sticks.

Well... on with the day. The sun is shining on the frost and right now, it is sparkling like little diamonds. Nice!!!!

posted on Nov 28, 2008 8:05 AM ()


that is beautiful annie! wish I could jump into that picture! stay warm my friend
comment by elkhound on Dec 1, 2008 11:10 AM ()
I can never think of that painter's name, but it's a nice painting. I woke up (late) to about 2" of snow (outside, not in my bedroom). Surprised me--not forecast. Winter---NOOOOOOOOOO !!!!
comment by solitaire on Nov 30, 2008 6:59 AM ()
I adore pictures like that! Your description of the frost in the sunlight made me jealous. I miss the winter seasons so much.
comment by hopefields on Nov 28, 2008 10:36 PM ()
Yes, it is a lovely picture, Annie! You sound all comfy and cozy in the warmth of your home. About the housekeeper: Did you interview a bunch of them before the hire? It's so hard to fire someone, don't you think? Well, I don't know because I've never had to fire someone...
Lovely word pictures you paint... "the sun on the frost... sparkling like little diamonds."
comment by sunlight on Nov 28, 2008 1:07 PM ()
That picture reminds me of that furniture that had scenes like that on it, but they usually went for oranges and browns. This one would look very elegant in a living room with blue carpet or maybe gray. If it's white, they'll need those plastic runners to keep it clean and people are going to have to take their shoes off at the door.
comment by troutbend on Nov 28, 2008 12:03 PM ()
I would think it would be tough to find a good fit with a housekeeper for the reason you mentioned. They really do so much more than clean since they are coming into the most private aspects of our lives.
I love the graphic!
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 28, 2008 8:51 AM ()
A frosty mornin.Did you lose something there.
Good Day.Fredo
comment by fredo on Nov 28, 2008 8:16 AM ()

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