These yellow roses which are a sign of friendship are for three dear dear ladies; Hazel (lizzieann), Nena (nenah), and Nena's sister. All of them are not very well and they need our thoughts and prayers today.
Hazel has been moved to rehab after 20+ days in the hospital and surgery on her shoulder. It is very serious. She mostly refuses food and drink and is wanting to go home to heaven. She is quite confused most of the time and is having a great deal of difficulty separating reality from non-reality. She is very peaceful most of the time.
Nena fell and has injured her back. I'm not sure what the doctors plan for treatment. But, she definitely is not doing well, either. Her sister is even worse and has a lot of balance problems and falling.
They are at a time in their lives when they really need our prayers, warm thoughts, and support. Sooooo please remember them today and in the coming week.

Annie :o)