Here it is around 3am and I have not been able to fall asleep. I hate nights such as these. It seems that I am having these nights more and more lately.
Sleepless nights always gives me lots of time to think. Tonight my mind has wandered to many places and many subjects. I would like to just mention a thought I have had tonight.
I've come to realize that in one's lifetime, there will be those whose paths cross ours who for one reason or another, don't like us. Now, I think I am a pretty likeable person, but sometimes a person comes along who doesn't agree with my view.
In the last few years, there has been a person in my life who never seemed to like me from the first time we met. Now, because this person has become part of the family through marriage, we do see each other from time-to-time. But, those meetings usually are very uncomfortable and I always breath a huge sigh of relief when they are over.
Up to this point, I have worked very hard at trying to win this person's friendship and respect.... but it just ain't happening. So, I am finally coming to the conclusion that a relationship with this person is not meant to be. I just need to let it go. Nothing is going to change short of some God ordained miracle and I'm not holding my breath waiting for that event.
Now, I'm not upset with the conclusion I have drawn. In fact, I'm amazingly relieved because I no longer am taking the responsibility of this relationship and its success or failure upon my shoulders. I'm even finding that I don't really care anymore. I've got lots of people who do like me and I don't have to beg for their friendship and caring. Sooooo.... who needs this pain? Not me. I'm happy to be going my way and that person can go their way. And as far as our both being connected to the same family.... I will avoid family functions where this person will be in attendance. It will just be easier on both of us.
My energies are going to be put into relationships that have a future and not on ones that have been doomed from the beginning.
Okay... I've solved that problem for tonight. Now... to work on those ups and downs in my marriage. But... I won't bore you with those details... instead... I'll go comment on some blogs.
Sleepless Annie :o(
p.s. Check out my fireworks and music on my profile page. Cool.
Now, I don't give a rip.